[spring] WG LC for draft-ietf-spring-ipv6-use-cases

Martin Vigoureux <martin.vigoureux@nokia.com> Tue, 06 December 2016 13:44 UTC

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Hello WG,

this e-mail initiates a two-week WG LC for 
draft-ietf-spring-ipv6-use-cases [1].

All the authors have already replied to the IPR poll.
There is no known IPR.

Please read the latest version of the document and state whether or not 
you support the submission of this document to the IESG with the 
objective to become an Informational RFC.

Please also express the comments you would have on this latest version.

Your involvement in this step is very important so please take the time 
to read and express your opinions on the list.

Thank you


[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-spring-ipv6-use-cases/