[spring] Invitation to participate in an Open MPLS wg desifn team on how to carry additional forwarding data in MPLS packets
Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Sun, 04 April 2021 06:51 UTC
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From: Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu>
To: "mpls-ads@ietf.org" <mpls-ads@ietf.org>, "pals@ietf.org" <pals@ietf.org>, DetNet WG <detnet@ietf.org>, "spring@ietf.org" <spring@ietf.org>
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Subject: [spring] Invitation to participate in an Open MPLS wg desifn team on how to carry additional forwarding data in MPLS packets
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MPLS, PALS, DETNET and SPRING working groups, Note: This message is sent to four working groups, please limit responses to the mpls wg mailing list only. All members of the four working group are invited to participate in an open MPLS wg design team to address the work that was discussed in the joint meeting at IETF 110 Below follows "notes" from a meeting between chairs of the four working groups 2021-03-22. It outlines how we initially will take on the work. ------------------- meeting notes ----------------------- Continue the work the joint meeting at IETF 110. ================================================ Working Group Chairs from MPLS, PALS, SPRING and DETNET met 2021-03-22 to discuss how to follow up the joint meeting at IETF 110. Participation: -------------- Loa Andersson (mpls) Tarek Saad (mpls) Stewart Bryant (pals) Andy Malis (pals) Joel Halpern (spring) Lou Berger (detnet) We discussed three themes ------------------------- - what to do next - how to document the output from the joint meeting - how to organize the work that starts here We agreed ========= - that the work starting here is part of the MPLS architecture and in the end might lead to updates - that this is work that should be coordinated by the mpls working group and that discussion working group adoption and the discussion should be taken to the MPLS WG mailing list. We agreed with the summary from the joint meeting ------------------------------------------------- - that tt is important that MPLS grows and develops to support the new needs of network operators. The alternative to such development is stagnation and a path to obsolescence. - that is important that any change does not adversely impact the operation of legacy equipment installed in the same network as the n new functionality. - it is important that any change is both forwards and backwards compatible. i.e. that any change does not limit the ability for further future development of MPLS. - it is important that any change be practical on the forwarding technology likely to be deployable in the reasonably near future. - it is important that we minimize the number of changes needed to support the new needs but making that change an elegant approach that satisfies as many of the new needs as possible. - there is sufficient interest and urgency in the need for new features that we need to work on this between meetings to progress at an acceptable rate. We also agreed on some practical things --------------------------------------- - the list (possibly incomplete) of proposals in Stewart's slides has been updated to a short draft to serve as input to this work (draft-bryant-mpls-dev-primer-00.txt). - the work will be divided into two "tracks" (1) proposals carrying information after the BoS and; (2) proposals carrying info in the stack. - we will hold open design-team meetings, i.e. any member of the four working groups are encouraged to participate - the meeting cycle is 5 weeks: -- "week 1" we will have a joint meeting to coordinate between the two tracks -- "week 2" and "week 4" we will have a track 1 meeting -- "week 3" and "week 5" we will have a track 2 meeting -- "week 6" = "week 1"; and we start the count over again We will start with joint (kick off) meeting April 8. The agenda will be prepared during the week of April 5, let us know if there is anything you want to discuss. We already now know that we will want to discuss Stewart's primer. Mach will send out WebEx details to all four working groups. - the over all coordination of this activity will done by Loa, if you need a slot in any meting or need to put a discussion point on the agenda ping Loa. - the meetings will be every Thursday at 3pm Central European Time. /Loa for(all) the wg-chairs -- Loa Andersson email: loa@pi.nu Senior MPLS Expert loa.pi.nu@gmail.com Bronze Dragon Consulting phone: +46 739 81 21 64
- [spring] Invitation to participate in an Open MPL… Loa Andersson