[spring] regarding the replication segment draft

"Joel M. Halpern" <jmh@joelhalpern.com> Wed, 08 July 2020 16:07 UTC

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I am told that I was unclear in some aspects of my comments.

Speaking as an individual:
1) I hope and expect we can get to adopting this.  I have no objection 
to the idea
2) As I see it, before we can adopt this draft we need enough 
description of the operational requirements / restrictions (e.g. where 
can replication segments appear, how are replication trees described, 
where can conventional SIDs appear in a stack with replications segments?)
2') Note that the descriptions do not have to be perfect.  I do 
understand that we are at WG adoption, not WG last call.
3) Just for completeness, I understand that the control aspects are out 
of scope, and are being dealt with in other working groups (presumably 
with  appropriate cross-communication)
