[spring] Re: Shepherd review for draft-ietf-spring-bfd-10

Greg Mirsky <gregimirsky@gmail.com> Mon, 02 December 2024 22:38 UTC

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From: Greg Mirsky <gregimirsky@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2024 14:38:27 -0800
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To: Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com>
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CC: draft-ietf-spring-bfd@ietf.org, Ketan Talaulikar <ketant.ietf@gmail.com>, spring Chairs <spring-chairs@ietf.org>, SPRING WG <spring@ietf.org>
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Hi Alvaro,
thank you for your comments and suggestions. I will work on updating the
draft and share the working version.


On Mon, Dec 2, 2024 at 2:12 PM Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com> wrote:

> [I recently updated my email client and the formatting seems to be
> broken…. <sigh>]
> Greg/authors:
> ...
> > Since this document has not yet gone through a WGLC, I will leave some
> > of the open points below for the WG Chairs to determine which of those
> > are perhaps more appropriate to consider as part of the WGLC so as to
> > seek WG inputs.
> >
> > Please check inline below for responses with KT.
> >
> > One new concern (not previously reported): The document was turned
> > into experimental status because one part in there was using an
> > experimental BFD extension. However, the IANA section is asking for
> > creation of a new registry that has allocations from standards action.
> > Even the allocation from Return Codes registry is from the standards
> > action block - perhaps it should be from the other two blocks?
> I have several points triggered by this comment:
> (1)
> The new registry (Table 2) is created in §8.1 and the allocations are made
> in Table 3.  Even though there are 3 values in Table 3, only one (TBD2) is
> an allocation, the other two are reservations (see §2.2/rfc8126).
> Table 2 should be updated to reflect the 2 "Reserved" values (which are
> not part of any other range).
> Table 3 should contain only the TBD2 value.  Because this document creates
> the registry, IANA doesn't need to be asked to allocate a value; the
> document can allocate it itself.
> (2)
> Table 2 contains several Notes on how the values are to be assigned.
> Please keep in mind that IANA will be making the allocations and that it
> may not be obvious to them (as they may not be subject matter experts) if
> "optional TLVs...require an error message if not recognized", for example.
> Is there a technical reason for the "Standards Action" ranges to be
> divided like they are?
> The other two ranges (both "Specification Required") include a note that
> reads "Experimental RFC needed".  However, that is not congruent with the
> definition of "Specification Required" [rfc8126].  This policy includes the
> review of the allocation by a designated expert, so any instructions should
> be included as instructions to the DEs, and not as notes in the registry.
> Why is an "Experimental RFC needed"?  Note that the language is not
> related to rfc2119 -- is the expectation a requirement or a
> recommendation?  Any instructions to the DEs should be clear.
> Note that the current ranges/Notes would leave Informational RFCs without
> the possibility of having a value assigned.  Is that the intent?  Why?
> "RFC Required" may be a more appropriate policy (instead of "Specification
> Required").
> Given the registration policies and the notes, consider adding an Expert
> Review to all the allocations.
> (3)
> As Ketan points out, the TBD3 value (§8.2) cannot come from the "Standards
> Action" range.  It should come from the "RFC Required" range instead.
> ...
> > > > 513   - The date when information about this particular
> implementation was
> > > > 514   last updated: 12/16/2019
> > >
> > > < minor > The implementation reference is to a very old document
> version
> > > that has gone through several changes. Is the "complete" coverage
> accurate?
> > > Please consider polling the WG to get an updated implementation status
> for
> > > the various BFD flavors/sections in this document.
> >
> > > GIM>> The Implementation Status section conveys information about the
> > > deployment the Non-FEC TLV:
> > >    - Implementation experience: Appreciate Early Allocation of values
> > >    for Non-FEC TLV and SR Policy's Segment List sub-TLV (using Private
> > >    Use code points).
> > > Other flavors of BFD are outside the scope of this section.
> >
> > KT> The implementation section should cover the entire document and
> > not specific sections. I would assume that the WG chairs will poll the
> > WG for implementation status of individual features and this gets
> > updated in the document per SPRING WG policy (even if it says - "no
> > known implementation").
> Ketan is right, the policy is for the Implementation Description to cover
> the whole draft, including specifics about the MUST/SHOULD clauses.  It is
> up to the authors to collect this information.
> https://wiki.ietf.org/en/group/spring/WG_Policies
> Thanks!
> Alvaro.
> On December 2, 2024 at 5:03:09 PM, Alvaro Retana (aretana.ietf@gmail.com)
> wrote:
> On October 21, 2024 at 12:40:55 PM, Ketan Talaulikar
> wrote:Greg/authors:...> Since this document has not yet gone through a
> WGLC, I will leave some> of the open points below for the WG Chairs to
> determine which of those> are perhaps more appropriate to consider as part
> of the WGLC so as to> seek WG inputs.>> Please check inline below for
> responses with KT.>> One new concern (not previously reported): The
> document was turned> into experimental status because one part in there was
> using an> experimental BFD extension. However, the IANA section is asking
> for> creation of a new registry that has allocations from standards
> action.> Even the allocation from Return Codes registry is from the
> standards> action block - perhaps it should be from the other two blocks?I
> have several points triggered by this comment:(1)The new registry (Table 2)
> is created in §8.1, and the allocations are made in Table 3. Although Table
> 3 contains three values, only one (TBD2) is an allocation; the other two
> are reservations (see §2.2/rfc8126).Table 2 should be updated to reflect
> the 2 "Reserved" values (which are not part of any other range).Table 3
> should contain only the TBD2 value. Because this document creates the
> registry, IANA doesn't need to be asked to allocate a value; the document
> can allocate it.(2)Table 2 contains several Notes on how the values are to
> be assigned. Please keep in mind that IANA will be making the allocations
> and that it may not be evident to them (as they may not be subject matter
> experts) if "optional TLVs...require an error message if not recognized",
> for example.Is there a technical reason to divide the “Standards Action"
> ranges like they are?The other two ranges (both "Specification Required")
> include a note that reads "Experimental RFC needed". However, that is not
> congruent with the definition of "Specification Required" [rfc8126]. This
> policy includes the allocation review by a designated expert, so any
> instructions should be included as instructions to the DEs and not as notes
> in the registry.Why is an "Experimental RFC needed"? Note that the language
> is not related to rfc2119 -- is the expectation a requirement or a
> recommendation? Any instructions to the DEs should be clear.Note that the
> current ranges/Notes would leave Informational RFCs without the possibility
> of having a value assigned. Is that the intent? Why?"RFC Required" may be a
> more appropriate policy (instead of "Specification Required").Given the
> registration policies and the notes, consider adding an Expert Review to
> all the allocations.(3)As Ketan points out, the TBD3 value (§8.2) cannot
> come from the "Standards Action" range. Instead, it should come from the
> "RFC Required" range....> > > 513 - The date when information about this
> particular implementation was> > > 514 last updated: 12/16/2019> >> > <
> minor > The implementation reference is to a very old document version> >
> that has gone through several changes. Is the "complete" coverage
> accurate?> > Please consider polling the WG to get an updated
> implementation status for> > the various BFD flavors/sections in this
> document.>> > GIM>> The Implementation Status section conveys information
> about the> > deployment the Non-FEC TLV:> > - Implementation experience:
> Appreciate Early Allocation of values> > for Non-FEC TLV and SR Policy's
> Segment List sub-TLV (using Private> > Use code points).> > Other flavors
> of BFD are outside the scope of this section.>> KT> The implementation
> section should cover the entire document and> not specific sections. I
> would assume that the WG chairs will poll the> WG for implementation status
> of individual features and this gets> updated in the document per SPRING WG
> policy (even if it says - "no> known implementation").Ketan is right. The
> policy is that the Implementation Description should cover the whole draft,
> including specifics about the MUST/SHOULD clauses. It is up to the authors
> to collect this information.
> https://wiki.ietf.org/en/group/spring/WG_Policies Thanks!Alvaro.