[spring] Re: WG Adoption Call for draft-bdmgct-spring-srv6-security (ends Aug/19)

Dhruv Dhody <dhruv.ietf@gmail.com> Mon, 19 August 2024 16:29 UTC

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From: Dhruv Dhody <dhruv.ietf@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 21:58:47 +0530
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To: Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com>
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Subject: [spring] Re: WG Adoption Call for draft-bdmgct-spring-srv6-security (ends Aug/19)
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I support adoption. Please find some non-blocking comments that authors can
work on.

# Minor

- Should you call out RFC 8986 Network programming in the Introduction?

- Section 2, it gives the impression that the control and management plane
are not in scope but we do have section 6.4. Update this section to include
text about the control and management plane.

- Section 4; It would be good to be explicit about what it means for the SR
domain to be cryptographically secured. It is not clear if HMAC (section
7.3) is an example or THE technique that makes an SRv6 domain
cryptographically secure.

- Section 5; for Masquerade the reference provided is RFC 9088 but that RFC
does not use the term.

- Section 6.2.4 to Section 6.2.6; I guess these subsections were supposed
to be under a section heading (recon attack) that is missing?

- Section 6.4; Should one also mention compromised PCE or SDN controller?
It seems the current focus is mainly on IGP? In this text - "Injection can
be performed by off-path attackers, while removal, replaying and listening
require on-path access."; if this is about injection of control plane
packets, is it wise to use on-path and off-path?

- Section 7.1; I wonder if we should say more about the operational side of
these filtering techniques. For section 7.1.2, should we also include
RFC-to-be 9602 (draft-ietf-6man-sids)?

- Delete sections 12 and 13, they are duplicates!

# Nits

- Expand SRv6 in the title and abstract

- Add reference for Segment Routing Header (SRH) as [RFC8754]

- s/reliance of a new header/reliance on a new header/

- Section 3.2 can also include - SR, LUA, GUA, DA

- s/applied baed on/applied based on/

- s/using LUA addresses/using ULA addresses/

- s/from the last entry in the ./from the last entry in the SRH./ (?)

- s/keeeping/keeping/

- s/do not posses/do not possess/

- s/PE device a as source address/PE device as source address/

- Please run the text through a grammar check, many issues that I did not


On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 6:35 PM Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear WG:
> This message starts a two-week adoption call for
> ddraft-bdmgct-spring-srv6-security, ending on August/19. From the
> Abstract:
>    This document discusses security considerations in SRv6 networks,
>    including the potential threats and the possible mitigation methods.
>    The document does not define any new security protocols or extensions
>    to existing protocols.
>    https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-bdmgct-spring-srv6-security/
> Please review the draft and consider whether you support its adoption
> by the WG. Please share any thoughts with the list to indicate support
> or opposition -- this is not a vote.
> If you are willing to provide a more in-depth review, please state it
> explicitly to give the chairs an indication of the energy level in the
> working group willing to work on the document.
> WG adoption is the start of the process. The fundamental question is
> whether you agree the proposal is worth the WG's time to work on and
> whether this draft represents a good starting point. The chairs are
> particularly interested in hearing the opinions of people who are not
> authors of the document.
> Note that the IESG requested that the WG deliver a document covering
> security considerations for SRv6. This document is intended to satisfy
> that request.
> Thanks!
> Alvaro (for the Chairs)
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