[spring] Draft design team charge
Joel Halpern <jmh@joelhalpern.com> Tue, 07 July 2020 16:20 UTC
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From: Joel Halpern <jmh@joelhalpern.com>
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Subject: [spring] Draft design team charge
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Having gotten various volunteers, and considered what the WG needs, the SPRING chairs have selected the design team for clarifying the SR over IPv6 compression situation. The Design team will be Co-Chaired by: Cheng Weiqiang of China Telecom and Sanders Steffann of SJM Steffann Consultancy The other members of the team are: Ron Bonica of Juniper Darren Dukes of Cisco Cheng Li of Huawei Peng Shaofu of ZTE and Wim Henderickx of Nokia Chongfeng Xie of China Telecom (We understand that some members may be on vacation. We ask the chairs to please get the design team up and running as fast as possible, and deal with vacations as necessary.) The design team is to produce (rough) consensus recommendations to the WG on two related topics: 1) What are the requirements for solutions to compressing segment routing information for use over IPv6 2) A comparison of proposed approaches to compressing segment routing information for use over IPv6 In both cases, assertions / requirements should be explicitly explained and motivated. Please do not assume that everyone has the same perspective. We expect these results to take the form of Internet Drafts. How the design team does the development is up to them. Note that while we are asking for I-Ds, we are not assuming that these results will be published as RFCs. When the working group has progressed, we will see if there is agreement as to the value of long term publication of this material. Also, as a reminder to both the design team and the working group, the design team output is input to the working group. It is not presumed to be a WG document until the WG actually adopts it. If the design team has insights into the number of solutions (are several already standardized? is there value in picking one / some?) this may be included in the requirements readout. If the design team can not agree, or does not think it is helpful to report this aspect, that is also acceptable to the chairs. While the chairs would like to see prompt work, we also want to see a thorough job done on this task. As such, we value quality of result over time. While there is some pressure, we ask that the design team focus on reaching clear and useful agreements. Thus, we are not asking for any readout by IETF 108. If the design team makes enough progress that they have questions they would like the WG to discuss at IETF 108, please let us know. Yours, Bruno, Jim, and Joel
- [spring] Draft design team charge Joel Halpern
- Re: [spring] Draft design team charge Joel Halpern