[spring] Re: WGLC for draft-ietf-spring-bfd (ends Dec/16)

Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com> Thu, 12 December 2024 14:36 UTC

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CC: "spring-chairs@ietf.org" <spring-chairs@ietf.org>, rtg-bfd@ietf.org, draft-ietf-spring-bfd@ietf.org, IETF MPLS List <mpls@ietf.org>
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Subject: [spring] Re: WGLC for draft-ietf-spring-bfd (ends Dec/16)
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 [Adding the MPLS WG.]


Sorry for the oversight.

Given the low volume of responses and the addition of the mpls WG, we’re
extending this WGLC by one week — until Dec/23.



On December 2, 2024 at 2:51:39 PM, Alvaro Retana (aretana.ietf@gmail.com)

[Sorry for the bad formatting. :-(]

[cc'ing the bfd WG]

Dear WG:

This message starts a two-week WG Last Call for draft-ietf-spring-bfd,
ending on December/16. From the Abstract:

   This document describes using BFD for monitoring individual segment
   lists of candidate paths of an SR Policy. It documents the use of
   various BFD modes and features such as BFD Demand mode, Seamless BFD,
   and BFD Echo function with the BFD Control packet payload in the SR-MPLS
   domain. Also, this document defines how to use Label Switched Path Ping
   to bootstrap a BFD session, with optional control of selecting a segment
   list in the reverse direction of the BFD session.


Please review the draft and consider whether it is ready to move towards
publication as an RFC. Please share any thoughts with the list to indicate
support or opposition -- this is not a vote and silence is not consent.

If you are willing to provide an in-depth review, please go ahead.

The chairs are particularly interested in hearing the opinions of people
who are not authors of the document.  The Shepherd review pointed at a few
items that would benefit from further consideration by the WG, please take
a look:


Alvaro (for the spring-chairs)

On December 2, 2024 at 2:42:25 PM, Alvaro Retana (aretana.ietf@gmail.com)

[cc'ing the bfd WG]Dear WG:This message starts a two-week WG Last Call for
draft-ietf-spring-bfd, ending on December/16. From the Abstract:   This
document describes using BFD for monitoring individual segment    lists of
candidate paths of an SR Policy. It documents the use of    various BFD
modes and features such as BFD Demand mode, Seamless BFD,    and BFD Echo
function with the BFD Control packet payload in the SR-MPLS    domain.
Also, this document defines how to use Label Switched Path Ping    to
bootstrap a BFD session, with optional control of selecting a segment
 list in the reverse direction of the BFD session.
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-spring-bfd/     Please review
the draft and consider whether it is ready to move towards publication as
an RFC. Please share any thoughts with the list to indicate support or
opposition -- this is not a vote and silence is not consent.  If you are
willing to provide an in-depth review, please go ahead.The chairs are
particularly interested in hearing the opinions of people who are not
authors of the document.  The Shepherd review pointed at a few items that
would benefit from further consideration by the WG, please take a look:
 Thanks!Alvaro (for the spring-chairs)