[Stackevo] meeting in Montreal
"Brian Trammell (IETF)" <ietf@trammell.ch> Mon, 18 June 2018 19:54 UTC
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greetings, Stackevo, It's past time to start planning for Montreal. I've kind of dropped the ball this meeting cycle, and don't have any agenda items planned. The documents we discussed in London, path-signals, wire-image, and protocol-maintenance are on the IAB stream now, and would benefit from additional eyeballs (as well as cycles). However, the stack has not, to my knowledge, finished evolving in the three months since London, so if we'd find a free-form, stream-of-consciousness meal useful, we should go ahead and book that. Please let me know your preference among the following by Wednesday evening, and I'll go ahead and set things up: (1) Tuesday breakfast (2) Tuesday lunch (3) Wednesday breakfast Cheers, Brian (as de-facto-absentee program lead)
- Re: [Stackevo] meeting in Montreal Brian Trammell (IETF)
- Re: [Stackevo] meeting in Montreal Spencer Dawkins at IETF
- Re: [Stackevo] meeting in Montreal Aaron Falk
- [Stackevo] meeting in Montreal Brian Trammell (IETF)