[stir] ATIS Publishes Calling Party Spoofing Mechanisms and Mitigation Techniques Whitepaper
Russ Housley <housley@vigilsec.com> Fri, 22 April 2016 19:12 UTC
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Please see attached communication from Susan M. Miller, ATIS President and CEO. I will have this letter posted as a liaison statement. Russ = = = = = = = = = = ATIS 1200 G Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 April 21, 2016 via email, housley@vigilsec.com Russ Housley IETF, STIR WG Co-Chair c/o IETF Secretariat 48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 117 Fremont, California 94538 Re: ATIS White Paper on Calling Party Anti Spoofing Dear Mr. Housley: On behalf of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), I am pleased to announce the publication of ATIS’ White Paper on Calling Party Spoofing Mechanisms and Mitigation Techniques. This white paper provides information on caller ID spoofing mitigation techniques and is available via the ATIS White Paper Library at: http://www.atis.org/01_resources/whitepapers.asp. Both existing and proposed caller ID mitigation techniques are examined, including technical specifications and standards that would allow phone numbers to be “signed” at the origin and “verified” at the termination. The paper concludes that Caller ID spoofing is not a problem that can be fixed with a single solution and, as an alternative, proposes a layered approach, similar to that used in cybersecurity efforts. This white paper is just one of several ATIS work programs aimed at examining and mitigating challenges associated with caller ID spoofing. Other relevant work is being completed in ATIS’ Next Generation Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NGIIF), which has recently published its Next Generation Network (NGN) Reference Document, outlining Caller ID issues and their impacts to consumers and to the network. The ATIS Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC) is working on a Technical Report on Originating Party Spoofing in IP Communication Networks. Additionally, ATIS is working with the SIP Forum on proposed enhancements to Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR). We would be happy to provide further information on its Caller ID spoofing mitigation work programs.  If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at smiller@atis.org or (202) 434-8828. Sincerely, Susan Miller President and CEO 
- [stir] ATIS Publishes Calling Party Spoofing Mech… Russ Housley