Re: [stir] Choice of STIR signature algorithm

"Peterson, Jon" <> Thu, 12 May 2016 04:58 UTC

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From: "Peterson, Jon" <>
To: Eric Burger <>, IETF STIR Mail List <>
Thread-Topic: [stir] Choice of STIR signature algorithm
Date: Mon, 09 May 2016 18:25:35 +0000
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Russ's assertion that "for quite some time we will need to be able to
validate RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures" would lead me to think RSA should
remain a MUST.

As I said in Buenos Aires, I am deferring to Russ, and Sean, and EKR, and
the other people who live and breathe this world to provide us guidance. I
asked Sean to write the text for this.

Jon Peterson
Neustar, Inc.

On 5/6/16, 7:18 AM, "stir on behalf of Eric Burger" <
on behalf of> wrote:

>FINALLY, a cogent *engineering* reason for needing RSA.
>How about:
>	MUST support ECDSA
>	SHOULD support RSA unless you know you will not need it
>ECDSA is ubiquitous today. ECDSA has lots of deployment advantages.
>Pretty much everything else s*cks in comparison.
>However, especially for delegated certificates, there is a chance that
>one of the intermediate certificates will not be signed with ECDSA but
>with RSA. As such, if you know you will be deployed in such an
>environment, RSA is OK.
>I would also suggest putting in a toxic waste warning in the document
>that the support of RSA is *not* a built-in downgrade attack. This is
>something that is covered by policy, not necessarily engineering. As
>such, a note to the implementor suggesting that if they know they should
>only see ECDSA (or better) signatures, they can feel free to reject an
>INVITE signed with RSA, even if it looks legitimate.
>> On Apr 12, 2016, at 4:57 PM, Russ Housley <> wrote:
>>> I don¹t know why so much of the discussion during the Tuesday meeting
>>> about root certificates. As Eric pointed out on the mail, it is not
>>> to get a ECDSA certificate as Digicert, Entrust, Globalising, Symantec,
>>> Certicom, Comodo, and soon Let¹s encrypt will happily give you one. As
>>> Russ pointed out most (or all) of these ECDSA certificates will be
>>> by a RSA root certificate. But root certificates and verification of
>>> credentials seems to be out of scope of STIR and does not affect the
>>> PASSporT object. As far as I understand, the only thing STIR should
>>> specify is verification of the PASSporT object.
>> We will need to say that the validation will include RFC 5280 path
>>validation to a trust anchor.  This means that the signature on each
>>certificate will be validated.  So, for quite some time we will need to
>>be able to validate RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures, either on the PASSporT
>>object or on a certificate, even if we state a strong preference for
>> Russ
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