[stir] Availability of SHAKEN
Tony Rutkowski <tony@yaanatech.co.uk> Mon, 06 February 2017 11:54 UTC
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From: Tony Rutkowski <tony@yaanatech.co.uk>
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Subject: [stir] Availability of SHAKEN
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Despite multiple references to SHAKEN as some kind of STIR magic dust to make it work, it is not apparent that any materials are actually available on SHAKEN. Or are they? The only document anywhere that seem to provide a sneak-peek is Chris Wendt's overview at SIPNOC2016. There are also Rich's NICC London Nov 2016 slides where we are told that > ·SHAKEN: A United States service provider profile for STIR will > provide implementation guidelines and specify options within the > protocol to ensure interoperability between all service providers. The > ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force will complete this profile framework > (SHAKEN). Additional enhancements to the profile will be developed in > 2017. If that assertion is ambitious, the next one takes one's breath away: > •We are going to cryptographically sign the SIP/IMS Call Signaling for > every single call in the U.S. network. > –Hopefully/Especially those coming from the International call gateways. The slide deck wraps up with a great pitch for ATIS and its eCNAM spec ATIS-1000067.2015 that we could see if we had an extra US$60 to take a look at. Presumably more will be available now that SA1 adopted the new WID proposal at its last meeting. --tony <sigh>
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- Re: [stir] The Canadian Regulator has issued a No… Tony Rutkowski
- Re: [stir] The Canadian Regulator has issued a No… Richard Shockey
- Re: [stir] The Canadian Regulator has issued a No… Tony Rutkowski
- Re: [stir] [sipcore] The Canadian Regulator has i… Richard Shockey
- Re: [stir] [sipcore] The Canadian Regulator has i… Tony Rutkowski
- Re: [stir] [sipcore] The Canadian Regulator has i… Tony Rutkowski
- Re: [stir] The Canadian Regulator has issued a No… Dave Crocker
- Re: [stir] [sipcore] The Canadian Regulator has i… Dave Crocker
- Re: [stir] [sipcore] The Canadian Regulator has i… Richard Shockey
- Re: [stir] [sipcore] The Canadian Regulator has i… Tony Rutkowski
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- Re: [stir] The Canadian Regulator has issued a No… Tony Rutkowski
- Re: [stir] The Canadian Regulator has issued a No… Tony Rutkowski
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- Re: [stir] The Canadian Regulator has issued a No… Richard Shockey
- Re: [stir] The Canadian Regulator has issued a No… Tony Rutkowski
- [stir] Availability of SHAKEN Tony Rutkowski
- Re: [stir] Availability of SHAKEN Mary Barnes
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- Re: [stir] Availability of SHAKEN Richard Shockey