[Stox] My review on draft-ietf-stox-7284bis
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé <saul@ag-projects.com> Fri, 13 March 2015 16:04 UTC
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Hi Peter and all! So, review time! Sec 4.2.1 Not sure if this was discussed (memory is fuzzy right now), but that diagram feels a bit odd. The SIP Server + S2X gateway entity gets SIP traffic but responds with XMPP replies. In practice, there would only be a X2S entity in that scenario, because the subscription started on the XMPP side. The X2S gateway would do the translation, and the SIP server knows nothing about XMPP. Example 2: Maybe add a To header? Example 4: From and To tags don’t match those of the SUBSCRIBE / 200 OK, but the CallID does. Section 4..2.3 Same as above, looks weird that the S2X gateway generated the XMPP response without ever getting the request. Example 8: The SUBSCRIBE needs to be in-dialog, so From and To tags need to match, and so does the Call-ID. Also the CSeq would need to be higher. Maybe put 100, thus implying that there have been a bunch of NOTIFY requests already. Section 4.3.1 Opposite of my 2 other comments :-) Maybe I’m super confused today or we can have a quick chat / call next week to go over it? Example 10: Missing To header Example 14: Call-ID missmatch Example 16: The SUBSCRIBE must be in-dialog, same problem as Example 8. Section 4.3.3 Point 2 it’s not very clear to me, upon receiving the SUBSCRIBE request with Expires 0, there is no need to send it again. Example 18: Maybe we need to mention that the XMPP resource can contain unicode and xs:ID is ASCII only? Point 5: To terminate the subscription from the notifier side, a NOTIFY with Subscription-State: terminated is sent, not a SUBSCRIBE with Expires 0, that is used from the subscriber side. Example 22: A presence probe was a one-off presence request, right? If so, the CSeq should be 1, since this would be a new dialog. Also, missing To header. Example 23: Same as above. That’s all I got! :-) -- Saúl Ibarra Corretgé AG Projects
- Re: [Stox] My review on draft-ietf-stox-7284bis Peter Saint-Andre - &yet
- Re: [Stox] My review on draft-ietf-stox-7284bis Peter Saint-Andre - &yet
- [Stox] My review on draft-ietf-stox-7284bis Saúl Ibarra Corretgé