[Stox] WG Action: Conclusion of SIP-TO-XMPP (stox)
IESG Secretary <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Wed, 25 January 2017 17:39 UTC
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Subject: [Stox] WG Action: Conclusion of SIP-TO-XMPP (stox)
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The SIP-to-XMPP (STOX) working group in the Applications and Real-Time (ART) Area has completed its milestones and is now concluded. Many thanks to all who have participated, and especially to the draft authors. The stox mailing list will be closed. The IESG contact persons are Ben Campbell, Alissa Cooper, and Alexey Melnikov.
- [Stox] WG Action: Conclusion of SIP-TO-XMPP (stox) IESG Secretary