Re: [Suit] HR Review: Firmware Update Architecture for IoT Devices

David Brown <> Wed, 11 July 2018 23:58 UTC

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Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2018 17:58:12 -0600
From: David Brown <>
To: Gurshabad Grover <>
Cc:,, Sandeep Jha <>
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Subject: Re: [Suit] HR Review: Firmware Update Architecture for IoT Devices
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On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 03:00:48AM +0530, Gurshabad Grover wrote:

>#Additional suggestions
>Section 3.9 of [SUIT-ARCH] talks about multiple authorizations wherein
>an unnecessary distinction has been made between critical infrastructure
>and non-critical infrastructure. Even in non-critical infrastructure,
>operators would want to the ability to install updates according to
>their own preferences. In such scenarios, forced installations may
>violate user’s control of the device. Accordingly, we propose that the
>device operator SHOULD have the authority to accept or reject firmware

This depends a lot on who the device operator is referring to.  From a
security perspective, the vendor may wish to make certain types of
security updates mandatory.  As stated earlier, for devices say in a
factory, or installed on a water meter, it is unclear who the device
operator is.  An organization installing water meeting IoT devices is
unlikely to allow the individual consumers of water to have any
authority as to whether firmware is installed.

Realistically, calling this mandatory in the spec would mostly just
result in that criteria of the spec being ignored.

One challenge with SUIT, in general, is that those producing these
end-use devices have little motivation to comply with the spec.  The
benefits gained to them are resources (such as reference code) and
infrastructure that wouldn't have to be implemented.  They have little
reason to not modify any behavior of the code that doesn't suit their
own requirements.

Although there may be good reasons to desire that decisions like this
be granted to certain parties, the SUIT documents have little
authority for enforce them.
