Re: [Suit] CBOR and Firmware Word Alignment
David Brown <> Wed, 27 June 2018 18:33 UTC
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Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2018 12:32:55 -0600
From: David Brown <>
To: Paul Lambert <>
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Subject: Re: [Suit] CBOR and Firmware Word Alignment
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On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 06:20:53PM +0000, Paul Lambert wrote: >Has any thought gone into word alignment issues? >Many platforms require firmware or other data objects to be word >aligned. It waould be especially desirable to have large objects >(like the firmware) be packaged such that the data does not have to >be copied to a new location just to ensure word alignment. Word >alignment would also facilitate in-place decryption of the firmeare. What we do today in MCUboot is something like: +--------------------+ | Header | +--------------------+ | Padding | +--------------------+ | XIP firmware image | +--------------------+ | Manifest | +--------------------+ where the header contains a length field to make finding the manifest easy. Because the images are execute in place (XIP), they have to be compiled and linked at a specific address. This precludes placing them after the manifest, since the information there is variable (even some signature encodings aren't deterministic in length). The constraints on this image are fairly specific: - It is XIP, and therefore must be placed at an address known at compile/link time. - The start address must be aligned to a particular alignment, depending on the particular hardware (for Cortex M, it is a power of two greater or equal to the size of the interrupt vector table, typically 256 or 512 bytes). It would be possible to insert 1 or more tags of some type into a CBOR stream in order to pad data, and this could possibly be standardized to one of the small values, so that this tag is only a single byte. We haven't determine how the image and manifest will be delivered, currently it seems like the manifest will be a separate file, but the image file that is then downloaded, will also already have the manifest appended to it. David
- Re: [Suit] CBOR and Firmware Word Alignment Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Suit] CBOR and Firmware Word Alignment Rønningstad
- Re: [Suit] CBOR and Firmware Word Alignment Michael Richardson
- Re: [Suit] CBOR and Firmware Word Alignment Carsten Bormann
- [Suit] CBOR and Firmware Word Alignment Paul Lambert
- Re: [Suit] CBOR and Firmware Word Alignment David Brown
- Re: [Suit] CBOR and Firmware Word Alignment Rønningstad