[tao-discuss] edit-a-thon discussion point s/Tao/'?'
Niels ten Oever <mail@nielstenoever.net> Wed, 19 January 2022 11:02 UTC
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Hi all, I am working in Github [0] and am present here [1], both for the remainder of the day. A few people have contacted me to ask whether we can change the name of the 'Tao of the IETF' to 'Way of the IETF', or 'IETF 101', or 'An Introduction to the IETF'. The arguments being made is that 'Tao' is a cultural reference that used to be quite known, but for many it isn't anymore. This decreases the usefulness of the document if people don't understand what it is supposed to do. How do people feel about this? Best, Niels [0] https://github.com/ietf/tao/edit/main/Tao.md [1] https://meet.jit.si/TaoHackathon -- Niels ten Oever, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher - Media Studies Department - University of Amsterdam Affiliated Faculty - Digital Democracy Institute - Simon Fraser University Non-Resident Fellow 2022-2023 - Center for Democracy & Technology Associated Scholar - Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade - Fundação Getúlio Vargas Research Fellow - Centre for Internet and Human Rights - European University Viadrina W: https://nielstenoever.net E: mail@nielstenoever.net T: @nielstenoever P/S/WA: +31629051853 PGP: 2458 0B70 5C4A FD8A 9488 643A 0ED8 3F3A 468A C8B3 Read my latest article on Internet infrastructure governance in Globalizations here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14747731.2021.1953221
- [tao-discuss] edit-a-thon discussion point s/Tao/… Niels ten Oever
- Re: [tao-discuss] edit-a-thon discussion point s/… James Gannon
- Re: [tao-discuss] edit-a-thon discussion point s/… Robert Sparks
- Re: [tao-discuss] edit-a-thon discussion point s/… James Gannon