[Taps] Interim: Oct 2nd, 15:00 UTC (Re: TAPS Interim late Sept/early Oct 2023 - Please respond to poll ASAP)

Reese Enghardt <ietf@tenghardt.net> Wed, 13 September 2023 15:50 UTC

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Subject: [Taps] Interim: Oct 2nd, 15:00 UTC (Re: TAPS Interim late Sept/early Oct 2023 - Please respond to poll ASAP)
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Dear TAPS,

Thank you to all respondents to the poll.

The most popular date is Monday, October 2nd, at 15:00 UTC (8 am PDT, 11 
am EDT, 17:00 CEST).

Here's the link to join: 

I scheduled the meeting for two hours, but as we continue to work on the 
issues on Github, we may not need the full two hours.

Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks!


On 9/11/23 11:49, Reese Enghardt wrote:
> Dear TAPS,
> Given the excellent IESG review commends and discussions on the TAPS 
> architecture, interface, and implementation documents, the chairs 
> would like to hold a TAPS interim meeting in a bit over two weeks.
> Please respond to the Doodle ASAP: 
> https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dwrJvoJb/vote
> While we think that we are making good progress to resolve the issues 
> on Github and via email discussion, we still think it'll be good to 
> have a call later to make sure we fully resolve the issues and 
> maintain Working Group consensus on the changes.
> Thank you everyone for your excellent contributions and collaboration!
> Best,
> Reese
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