[Taps] Tuesday Oct 17th (Re: Doodle for follow-up interim meeting, please respond ASAP)
Reese Enghardt <ietf@tenghardt.net> Tue, 03 October 2023 20:34 UTC
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Subject: [Taps] Tuesday Oct 17th (Re: Doodle for follow-up interim meeting, please respond ASAP)
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Dear TAPS, Thanks to everyone who responded to the Doodle and apologies for the quick turnaround. Let's meet on Tuesday October 17th, 15:00 UTC (8 am PDT, 11am EDT, 17:00 CEST). To join: https://meetings.conf.meetecho.com/interim/?short=e8f3ace8-9ed1-4c72-bf3d-8df9223d2d87 Looking forward to seeing folks there! Best, Reese On 10/2/23 10:17, Reese Enghardt wrote: > Dear TAPS, > > Sending a separate email for the same link that I already put in the > other email following today's interim - we want to gauge availability > for a potential follow-up meeting right before IETF 118. > > Please respond ASAP: > > https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dym8Y5wd > > The focus would be resolving more of the great comments we got in the > IESG reviews, many of which require expertise in specific areas, so we > may need to triage them. > > Thanks everyone! > > Best, > Reese > > _______________________________________________ > Taps mailing list > Taps@ietf.org > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/taps >
- [Taps] Doodle for follow-up interim meeting, plea… Reese Enghardt
- [Taps] Tuesday Oct 17th (Re: Doodle for follow-up… Reese Enghardt