[Taps] Éric Vyncke's Yes on draft-ietf-taps-interface-22: (with COMMENT)

Éric Vyncke via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org> Tue, 05 September 2023 13:05 UTC

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Éric Vyncke has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-taps-interface-22: Yes

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introductory paragraph, however.)

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The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:


# Éric Vyncke, INT AD, comments for draft-ietf-taps-interface-22

Thank you for the work put into this document.

Please find below some non-blocking COMMENT points (but replies would be
appreciated even if only for my own education), and some nits.

Special thanks to Anna Brunstrom for the shepherd's detailed write-up including
the WG consensus, and the justification of the intended status and of the large
number of authors. I can only support having all those authors cited
(especially from current/past academia).

Other thanks to Tatuya Jinmei, the Internet directorate reviewer (at my
request), please consider this int-dir review:
(while a positive review, I would appreciate a reply by authors, esp on issue 1)

Other thanks to Matt Brown, the DNS directorate reviewer (at my request),
please consider this dns  -dir review:

I hope that this review helps to improve the document,




## Abstract and Section 1

It is not only about "multiple interfaces" but also about "multiple
provisioning domains" (usually linked to interfaces), e.g., an interface can
have several IPv6 addresses and several next-hops. RFC 7556 is only mentioned
in Section 2.

## Section 1

`Action(param0, param1?, ...) / Event<param0, param1, ...>` the use of `\` is
unclear... suggest using two lines ? Should param1 in Event() also be suffixed
by a '?' ?

Is `IP Address` scoped ? E.g., fe80::1%eth0 Can it be unicast, anycast,
multicast ? Even if section 6.1 is about this issue, it may be worth already
telling the readers.

## Section 3

`from a Remote Endpoint` does the use of 'a' preclude a multicast group
endpoint ?

## Section 3.1

Useful section. Thanks.

## Section 4.1

It is a little underspecified whether the '.' is also removed when the
Namespace component is omitted (I guess yes, but let's be specific).

Should 'tcp' be in uppercase in `tcp Connection could support ` ?

`IETF document published in the RFC Series` in which stream ? Are ISE or IAB or
IRTF streams also OK ?

## Section 5

If not mistaken, then there are only 3 occurrences of a normative SHOULD and
several other non-normative "should". Is it the intent ?

## Section 6.1

I am not sure whether I like the split between .WithIPAddress() and
.WithInterface()... E.g., using "fe80::1%eth0" as an endpoint would be nicer ?

Should there be a .WithPvD() to handle multiple PvDs on the same interface ?
Even after reading section 6.2.12, it is unclear.

## Section 6.1.1

TTL is so legacy... Why not using RFC 8200 hop limit ?


## Section 6.1 and other places

2001:db8:4920:e29d:a420:7461:7073:0a is not a valid RFC 5952 address ;-)

## Section

s/It specified as the number of bytes/It *is* specified as *a* number of bytes/