[tcpinc] New draft of tcpcrypt posted
Daniel B Giffin <dbg@scs.stanford.edu> Fri, 20 January 2017 04:14 UTC
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Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 20:14:48 -0800
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We've posted a new draft of tcpcrypt: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpcrypt/ In addition to general improvements to the language, the substantive changes to the protocol are as follows: 3.5. Session caching To identify a cached session for resumption, tcpcrypt previously sent a prefix of the session ID in the clear. But this conflicted with a requirement in TCP-ENO: o Unless and until applications disclose information about the session ID, all but the first byte MUST be computationally indistinguishable from random bytes to a network eavesdropper. So the new tcpcrypt draft instead uses a distinct constant to derive a "resumption identifier" from the relevant session secret: resume[i] = CPRF(ss[i], CONST_RESUME, 18) Furthermore, where previously the active opener sent a nine-byte identifier for the cached session and a passive opener agreed to resume that session by sending an ENO suboption with `v = 1` but zero suboption data, it now sends a *further* nine bytes of the identifier (the second half of `resume[i]` above) in order to agree. This provides much more assurance against a collision of resumption identifiers that would lead hosts to attempt communication with incorrect keys. It also avoids the need to permit zero-length data in variable-length ENO suboptions. Resumption continues to work with simultaneous open, as described in the document. 3.7. TCP header protection Where previously the document required recipients always to "ignore" the TCP FIN flag in favor of the integrity-protected FINp, it now says: When "FINp" is set, it indicates that the sender will send no more application data after this frame. When the TCP FIN flag differs from "FINp", a receiving host MUST either ignore the segment altogether or abort the connection and raise an error condition distinct from the end-of-file condition.
- [tcpinc] New draft of tcpcrypt posted Daniel B Giffin
- [tcpinc] New draft of TCP-ENO David Mazieres