Re: [tcpinc] Spencer Dawkins' Yes on draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-08: (with COMMENT)
"Black, David" <> Wed, 25 October 2017 20:52 UTC
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To: Spencer Dawkins <>, The IESG <>
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Thread-Topic: Spencer Dawkins' Yes on draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-08: (with COMMENT)
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Subject: Re: [tcpinc] Spencer Dawkins' Yes on draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-08: (with COMMENT)
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Hi Spencer, > Also for my benefit, but somewhat more worrying - is the working group fairly > confident that a specifying second MTI key management scheme will be possible > at some point, that does not trip over the problems described in [nist-ecc] and > can be implemented in kernels, or is conforming to the guidance in [RFC7696] > going to be problematic? I see Mirja mentioned SEC discussions about only one > MTI key management mechanism being chosen now, but my question is a little > different - I'm asking if the situation is likely to improve anytime soon. Short answer: Yes. Longer answer: See The draft will be revised to reflect the contents of that message, including a "SHOULD" requirement for a second key exchange mechanism that is not based on a NIST curve. This approach has been checked with the Security ADs, and they're OK with it. Thanks, --David > -----Original Message----- > From: Spencer Dawkins [] > Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 3:54 PM > To: The IESG <> > Cc:; Kyle Rose <>; tcpinc- >;; > Subject: Spencer Dawkins' Yes on draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-08: (with > COMMENT) > > Spencer Dawkins has entered the following ballot position for > draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-08: Yes > > When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all > email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this > introductory paragraph, however.) > > > Please refer to > for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions. > > > The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here: > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > COMMENT: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > I really like this draft, and I can understand it fairly well. I do have some > questions to go along with my Yes ballot. > > This SHOULD NOT > > o "PK_A", "PK_B": ephemeral public keys for hosts A and B, > respectively. These, as well as their corresponding private keys, > are short-lived values that SHOULD be refreshed periodically. The > private keys SHOULD NOT ever be written to persistent storage. > > is just begging for some justification as to why this is important enough to be > a SHOULD NOT, and not important enough to be a MUST NOT. Could you give > an > example of a reason why this would be a good idea? > > It's likely that everyone but me knows why > > resume[i] = CPRF(ss[i], CONST_RESUME, 18) > > is "18" and not some other integer, but there's no explanation or reference > that I could find explaining why. > > It would be helpful to explain why > > In a particular SYN segment, a host SHOULD NOT send more than one > resumption suboption, > > is a SHOULD NOT, since it's allowed, so doing so must have some purpose. > > This > > A host SHOULD NOT initiate more than one concurrent re-key operation > if it has no data to send; that is, it should not initiate re-keying > with an empty encryption frame more than once while its record of the > remote generation number is less than its own. > > is allowed - could you explain why a host would need to violate that SHOULD > NOT? > > Just for my benefit - Section 8.3 explains why ECDHE using Curve25519 has > been > chosen as MTI, but also explains why ECDHE using P-256 has not been chosen > as a > second MTI. Is the intention to discourage use of ECDHE using P-256 at all, > based on the concerns expressed about making it MTI? > > Also for my benefit, but somewhat more worrying - is the working group > fairly > confident that a specifying second MTI key management scheme will be > possible > at some point, that does not trip over the problems described in [nist-ecc] > and > can be implemented in kernels, or is conforming to the guidance in [RFC7696] > going to be problematic? I see Mirja mentioned SEC discussions about only > one > MTI key management mechanism being chosen now, but my question is a > little > different - I'm asking if the situation is likely to improve anytime soon. >
- [tcpinc] Spencer Dawkins' Yes on draft-ietf-tcpin… Spencer Dawkins
- Re: [tcpinc] Spencer Dawkins' Yes on draft-ietf-t… Black, David
- Re: [tcpinc] Spencer Dawkins' Yes on draft-ietf-t… Spencer Dawkins at IETF
- Re: [tcpinc] Spencer Dawkins' Yes on draft-ietf-t… Daniel B Giffin