[tcpinc] New TCP-ENO draft
David Mazieres <dm-list-tcpcrypt@scs.stanford.edu> Fri, 20 October 2017 09:24 UTC
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From: David Mazieres <dm-list-tcpcrypt@scs.stanford.edu>
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Subject: [tcpinc] New TCP-ENO draft
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There's a new TCP-ENO draft in the usual place: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno/ This draft addresses last call comments we received. Other than some typos, the main changes are to update the requirements language (section 1) to use RFC8174 and to add a new section 8.5. Since 8.5 contains new language, we'd appreciate other eyes on this paragraph (even just comments saying "looks fine" would be helpful): 8.5. Unpredictability of session IDs Section 5.1 specifies that all but the first (TEP identifier) byte of a session ID MUST be computationally indistinguishable from random bytes to a network eavesdropper. This property is easy to ensure under standard assumptions about cryptographic hash functions. Such unpredictability helps security in a broad range of cases. For example, it makes it possible for applications to use a session ID from one connection to authenticate a session ID from another, thereby tying the two connections together. If furthermore helps ensure that TEPs do not trivially subvert the 33-byte minimum length requirement for session IDs by padding shorter session IDs with zeros. Thanks, David
- Re: [tcpinc] Review of draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno-10 David Mazieres
- Re: [tcpinc] Review of draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno-10 Watson Ladd
- [tcpinc] New TCP-ENO draft David Mazieres