[tcpm] A question on tcpsecure & meeting minutes

Fernando Gont <fernando@gont.com.ar> Fri, 04 April 2008 06:59 UTC

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I have just read the minutes from the last IETF meeting, and it says 
tcpsecure has been through WGLC. I don't seem to recall the WGLC for 
this document, and have checked the online mailing-list archives, and 
have not been able to find the WGLC.

I'm sure this is just me not being able to find the WGLC in the 
mailing-list archives (unfortunately, my local mail archive is in 
some backup I cannot access right now).

Would anybody remind me when the WGLC of this doc was issued?


Kind regards,

Fernando Gont
e-mail: fernando@gont.com.ar || fgont@acm.org
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