Re: [tcpm] [multipathtcp] Fwd: Probing the viability of TCP extensions

Hagen Paul Pfeifer <> Wed, 30 June 2010 00:04 UTC

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* Patrick McManus | 2010-06-29 19:04:39 [-0400]:

>> how many routers does it show that had ECN marking configured active?
>not a single ecn capable flow in the data contained a ecn-marked packet.
>This was general Internet traffic, including a lot of spam SMTP flows
>from abroad that you would think would have a reasonable chance of
>seeing congestion.
>I don't see how to identify which if any routers had ecn configured on,
>but the implication is that it is very few if any. (or that there is no
>congestion on "my" internet :)), right?

;-) was this insight surprising? ECN lacks one important attribute: it is not
good-natured if things goes wrong. What would you do if you had to configure a
core router: a) configure the router and setup standard RED/WRED where you
_know_ that if you are on fire and drop packets the sender will reduce their
sending rate or b) configure ECN and _hope_ that everything between you, the
receiver the last but not least the sender goes right?

Eventually you will think about the advantages of ECN and the reduced
TCP/DCCP/whatever retransmissions but is this more important then the former
paragraph? I don't think that this is the view of the guys at the core

ECN is a technical superior answer for a question questioned in a complex and
fragile environment.


PS: anyway, nice analysis! ;)

Hagen Paul Pfeifer <>  ||
Telephone: +49 174 5455209           ||  Key Id: 0x98350C22
Key Fingerprint: 490F 557B 6C48 6D7E 5706 2EA2 4A22 8D45 9835 0C22