[tcpm] working group last call for 4138bis F-RTO draft

"Eddy, Wesley M. (GRC-RCN0)[VZ]" <wesley.m.eddy@nasa.gov> Fri, 18 July 2008 14:53 UTC

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At a prior meeting, it was determined that the F-RTO
draft was ready for working group last call.  We
would like to start the WGLC on the recent update:


This will last until August 8, because of the Dublin
meeting falling in the middle of the WGLC.

As usual, read the draft, and send any issues, comments,
or suggested corrections to this mailing list.

As an FYI, I recently noticed this draft, which has some
helpful guidelines for writing reviews, in my opinion:
It might be of interest, but it's not required to follow
or anything like that.
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