[tcpm] Question on crypto algo usage for TCP-AO
Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal <muthu.arul@gmail.com> Mon, 02 August 2021 13:06 UTC
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From: Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal <muthu.arul@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2021 18:36:29 +0530
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Subject: [tcpm] Question on crypto algo usage for TCP-AO
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Hi, Section 3.1.1 of RFC 5926 describes how to derive the traffic key of desired length to be used for the MAC calculation, especially when the KDF_alg produces fewer bits than the key length required for the MAC_alg. <snip> The output of multiple PRF invocations is simply concatenated. For the Traffic_Key, values of multiple PRF invocations are concatenated and truncated as needed to create a Traffic_Key of the desired length. For instance, if one were using KDF_HMAC_SHA1, which uses a 160-bit internal PRF to generate 320 bits of data, one would execute the PRF twice, once with i=1 and once with i=2. The result would be the entire output of the first invocation concatenated with the second invocation. For example, Traffic_Key = KDF_alg(Master_Key, 1 || Label || Context || Output_length) || KDF_alg(Master_Key, 2 || Label || Context || Output_length) If the number of bits required is not an exact multiple of the output size of the PRF, then the output of the final invocation of the PRF is truncated as necessary. </snip> The question I have is, what if the first invocation of the above PRF itself produces more bits than the key length required by the MAC calculation. Should the output of the first invocation be truncated? For e.g. if one were to use AES-128-CMAC-96 as the MAC_alg and KDF_HMAC_SHA1 as the KDF_alg, should the output of the foll. be truncated to 128 bits (since it would produce a 160 bit output whereas AES-128-CMAC requires a 128-bit key)? KDF_alg(Master_Key, 1 || Label || Context || Output_length) Regards, Muthu
- [tcpm] Question on crypto algo usage for TCP-AO Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal
- Re: [tcpm] Question on crypto algo usage for TCP-… Joseph Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Question on crypto algo usage for TCP-… Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal