[tcpm] exegesis of 'Updates' -- was: ... review of draft-ietf-tcpm-tcpsecure[-10]
Alfred Hönes <ah@tr-sys.de> Tue, 30 September 2008 20:03 UTC
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Subject: [tcpm] exegesis of 'Updates' -- was: ... review of draft-ietf-tcpm-tcpsecure[-10]
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Folks, I observe that this discussion (which my initial posting has triggered involuntarily) is getting ridiculous. Let's return from fine-grained nano-arguments to the roots. We are discussing the simple "relations" in the metadata of RFCs. These serve the purpose to visibly link these documents together in a coarse, qualified manner, and thus enable any reader not aware of lengthy WG discussion list threads to find a web of pointers which should assist her/him in finding the related documents, when starting with a 'well known' base document. Admittedly, the 'vocabulary' available is very simple, but one of the main issue I had when I once started reading RFCs was the very scarce and poor usage of this simple vocabulary, "Updates", "Obsoletes", and "Also". My perception frequently was that there were far too many MUSTs and SHOULDs and MAYs inside the documents, and far too few "Udates" helping the reader navigate the RFCs, in the metadata. (It's similar to web pages with no hyperlinks on 'home pages' [or equivalent] pointing to them!) Any implementor or analyst reading RFC 793 should be made aware of the tcpsecure RFC, as soon as it is out (and I really hope to see it soon in the RFC index!), because that document contains qualified statements this working group has judged. [... in an incommensurate long period of discussion holding off this long-expected document -- personal note.] He/she should be pointed to this document by the RFC metadata, and should read it (the latter seems to be the consensus of the WG, isn't it?) -- otherwise publishing the document would be rather moot. The "Updated by" metadata links do not imply requirements language in any way, they point the reader to documents that (hopefully) contain an applicability statement and their own, and detailed requirements language. If a new document adds, e.g., new options, to properly designed extensibility hooks of a protocol, without affecting/changing processing rules of the protocol, that memo does not "Update" the base document for that protocol, and that document can be easily picked up by tracing the IANA Registry for the namespace forming the extensibility hook. But if a document discusses new requirements for a protocol that have come up in the real world, and it contains 'considerations' about modifications to the processing rules laid down in another document (which in this particular case already have been adopted by most significant players in the marketplace as inevitable and indispensible changes for security reasons), this new document SHOULD be tagged in the RFC metadata as "Updates <the old one>". Don't forget: This WG is chartered for the *MAINTENANCE* of TCP. If you don't want to make that maintenace visible, you are in danger to dismiss your mission (and the mission of the IETF and its Standards Process). Since RFCs are immutable, RFC Errata and additions to the RFC metadata are the only ways to make an act of maintenance for a document visible at first place. I only see one other option (but I guess that's not a real option in practice, due to workload): *regularly* update RFC 4614 . Such documents (and there are far too few of this kind!) provide enough space to discuss the nuances of conditional MUSTs and SHOULDs in case of applicability etc. etc. at length, if deemed necessary. Therefore my recommendation: +++ Be very careful with "Obsoletes", but be generous +++ with "Updates", for the benefit of RFC readers ! Kind regards, Alfred. P.S.: The discussion has mentioned the tiny number of "Updated by" for RFC 793, one of the oldest and most important standards of the IETF. Many technicians not aware of the discussions in this WG would take this as a severe indication, or even evidence for lack of maintenance for TCP! -- +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | TR-Sys Alfred Hoenes | Alfred Hoenes Dipl.-Math., Dipl.-Phys. | | Gerlinger Strasse 12 | Phone: (+49)7156/9635-0, Fax: -18 | | D-71254 Ditzingen | E-Mail: ah@TR-Sys.de | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ _______________________________________________ tcpm mailing list tcpm@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/tcpm
- [tcpm] exegesis of 'Updates' -- was: ... review o… Alfred Hönes
- Re: [tcpm] exegesis of 'Updates' -- was: ... revi… Anantha Ramaiah (ananth)
- Re: [tcpm] exegesis of 'Updates' -- was: ... revi… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] exegesis of 'Updates' -- was: ... revi… Anantha Ramaiah (ananth)
- Re: [tcpm] exegesis of 'Updates' -- was: ... revi… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] exegesis of 'Updates' -- was: ... revi… Anantha Ramaiah (ananth)
- Re: [tcpm] exegesis of 'Updates' -- was: ... revi… Joe Touch