Re: [tcpm] End to End Proprietary Information Field - Request for a new TCP option
Joe Touch <touch@ISI.EDU> Fri, 26 September 2008 16:11 UTC
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-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Ish, TCP options signal changes to the TCP protocol. That protocol is not proprietary, and I do not support making it - or any variants thereof - proprietary. Proprietary information about a TCP connection is already encoded in the port number, and in-band in the application data. If the information determines the nature of the application data, it is a port number issue. If the information is application data, it belongs in the data path. I see no reason for a TCP option based on this argument, nor do I see a reason for a proprietary TCP option either. Additional note below... Joe Ish Shalom, Ran wrote: > Increasingly businesses and their workforces are becoming more and more > distributed as they spread globally and move their offices to be closer > to their customers. At the same time, financial wisdom dictates strict > cost control. The combination of which pushed more business to use the > Internet as a transport medium for remote offices and/or employees. > > IP addresses shortage, privacy and security concerns have generated a > myriad of solutions in the form of NATs, PATs, firewalls, etc. As a > result, local information such as private IP addresses, ports and > potentially additional local private information often gets rewritten > and lost when a session traverses these functions. Furthermore, some > gateway services might terminate sessions in order to carry them over a > different medium or using a different service. All of which result in > the same way - lost of end to end transparency. However, occasionally > applications and/or network administrators may need a means to > communicate local private IP information across the Internet domain so > that the far end may be able to process the session correctly. Any device that destroys information of a TCP connection (e.g., destination port of a SYN, or rewriting IP addresss) cannot be trusted to preserve TCP options either. They often rewrite or omit such options anyway. > I would like to propose creating a proprietary information channel using > a dedicated TCP option that can be used by such application to > communicate private local information across the internet. A flexible > end-to-end private channel will allow Service Providers and application > vendors to provide seamless communication across the Internet domain > despite the many intermediate functions that are in place today. > > Sincerely, > > Ran Ish-Shalom > Akamai technologies > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > _______________________________________________ > tcpm mailing list > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iEYEARECAAYFAkjdCWEACgkQE5f5cImnZruh1wCfdUvaaEp7Zfmz0IljtN6rXLrA zegAn31/adWJ8mpOuMDGfANcBlPmG2n0 =88Rb -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ tcpm mailing list
- [tcpm] End to End Proprietary Information Field -… Ish Shalom, Ran
- Re: [tcpm] End to End Proprietary Information Fie… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] End to End Proprietary Information Fie… Ish Shalom, Ran
- Re: [tcpm] End to End Proprietary Information Fie… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] End to End Proprietary Information Fie… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] End to End Proprietary Information Fie… Ish Shalom, Ran
- Re: [tcpm] End to End Proprietary Information Fie… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] End to End Proprietary Information Fie… Fernando Gont