[tcpm] 1323bis - PAWS check's problem with reodering on the reverse path
Alexander Zimmermann <alexander.zimmermann@nets.rwth-aachen.de> Thu, 26 March 2009 23:09 UTC
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Subject: [tcpm] 1323bis - PAWS check's problem with reodering on the reverse path
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Hi David, hi TCPM Folks, in the 1323bis draft the PAWS check has a problem (discarding ACKs) if reordering is present on the reverse path and no data is piggybacked. Actually, it's not the PAWS check itself, it's the modification of section 3.4: "Which Timestamp to Echo". The important parts of the RFC1323 and the draft (in this order) are --- (2) If Last.ACK.sent falls within the range of sequence numbers of an incoming segment: SEG.SEQ <= Last.ACK.sent < SEG.SEQ + SEG.LEN then the TSval from the segment is copied to TS.Recent; otherwise, the TSval is ignored. --- (2) If: SEG.TSval >= TS.recent and SEG.SEQ <= Last.ACK.sent then SEG.TSval is copied to TS.Recent; otherwise, it is ignored. --- The addition of "SEG.TSval >= TS.recent" is not important for us at moment. As the appendix said, this check is included for consistency with the PAWS test only. The relevant paragraph is the change from "SEG.SEQ <= Last.ACK.sent < SEG.SEQ + SEG.LEN" to the reduced form "SEG.SEQ <= Last.ACK.sent". Again, the appendix said that this change was made since the original algorithm to control which timestamp is echoed was incorrect in two regards: (1) It failed to update TSrecent for a retransmitted segment that resulted from a lost ACK. (2) It failed if SEG.LEN = 0. It's right that the 1323bis algo fix these two problems, however, it's introduced the new problem mentioned already above. Following situation: - One-way flow from TCP A to TCP B - Reordering on the reverse path Consequence - TCP A will discard all ACKs with were delayed - Harmful in the case ABC (RFC 3465) is off, since we count ACKs for slow-start and congestion avoidance Examples are attached. Alex
// // Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Zimmermann // Department of Computer Science, Informatik 4 // RWTH Aachen University // Ahornstr. 55, 52056 Aachen, Germany // phone: (49-241) 80-21422, fax: (49-241) 80-22220 // email: zimmermann@cs.rwth-aachen.de // web: http://www.umic-mesh.net //
- [tcpm] 1323bis - PAWS check's problem with reoder… Alexander Zimmermann
- Re: [tcpm] 1323bis - PAWS check's problem with re… David Borman
- Re: [tcpm] 1323bis - PAWS check's problem with re… Alexander Zimmermann