[tcpm] 1323bis - PAWS check's problem with reodering on the reverse path

Alexander Zimmermann <alexander.zimmermann@nets.rwth-aachen.de> Thu, 26 March 2009 23:09 UTC

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Subject: [tcpm] 1323bis - PAWS check's problem with reodering on the reverse path
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Hi David, hi TCPM Folks,

in the 1323bis draft the PAWS check has a problem (discarding ACKs) if  
reordering is present on the
reverse path and no data is piggybacked. Actually, it's not the PAWS  
check itself, it's the modification
of section 3.4: "Which Timestamp to Echo".

The important parts of the RFC1323 and the draft (in this order) are

(2) If Last.ACK.sent falls within the range of sequence numbers
       of an incoming segment:

          SEG.SEQ <= Last.ACK.sent < SEG.SEQ + SEG.LEN

       then the TSval from the segment is copied to TS.Recent;
       otherwise, the TSval is ignored.


(2) If:

        SEG.TSval >= TS.recent and SEG.SEQ <= Last.ACK.sent

        then SEG.TSval is copied to TS.Recent; otherwise, it is

The addition of "SEG.TSval >= TS.recent" is not important for us at  
moment. As the appendix said,
this check is included for consistency with the PAWS test only.

The relevant paragraph is the change from "SEG.SEQ <= Last.ACK.sent <  
SEG.SEQ + SEG.LEN" to the
reduced form "SEG.SEQ <= Last.ACK.sent". Again, the appendix said that  
this change was made
since the original algorithm to control which timestamp is echoed was  
incorrect in two regards:

(1) It failed to update TSrecent for a retransmitted segment that  
resulted from a lost ACK.

(2) It failed if SEG.LEN = 0.

It's right that the 1323bis algo fix these two problems, however, it's  
introduced the new problem mentioned
already above.

Following situation:
- One-way flow from TCP A to TCP B
- Reordering on the reverse path

- TCP A will discard all ACKs with were delayed
- Harmful in the case ABC (RFC 3465) is off, since we count ACKs for  
slow-start and congestion avoidance

Examples are attached.


// Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Zimmermann
// Department of Computer Science, Informatik 4
// RWTH Aachen University
// Ahornstr. 55, 52056 Aachen, Germany
// phone: (49-241) 80-21422, fax: (49-241) 80-22220
// email: zimmermann@cs.rwth-aachen.de
// web: http://www.umic-mesh.net