[tcpm] poll for adopting draft-gont-tcp-security

"Eddy, Wesley M. (GRC-MS00)[Verizon]" <wesley.m.eddy@nasa.gov> Wed, 24 June 2009 19:25 UTC

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From: "Eddy, Wesley M. (GRC-MS00)[Verizon]" <wesley.m.eddy@nasa.gov>
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TCPMers, there was a thread a while ago about working on
draft-gont-tcp-security in this working group that didn't
conclusively give us a feeling one way or other:

Basically, my understanding is that there are at least a
handful of people in the WG that think it should be done
here as a WG item (more likely for Informational rather
than BCP), and there are also some expressed opinions on
why it shouldn't.

Given the raw size of the document, if the WG intends to
take this document on, then we need some people to clearly
commit to putting cycles into review and contributions to
the document.  Since it is quite large, and to my knowledge,
there hasn't been a specific technical review of the content
on this list, but just discussions about if the idea in
general is a good or bad thing, we still need to know if
people are willing to invest their time and energy in this.

Please let us know if there is traction for this in the
near term, and/or we can also discuss it in Stockholm.

Wes Eddy
Network & Systems Architect
Verizon FNS / NASA GRC
Office: (216) 433-6682