[tcpm] TCPM agenda slots for Dublin
"Eddy, Wesley M. (GRC-RCN0)[VZ]" <wesley.m.eddy@nasa.gov> Tue, 24 June 2008 15:09 UTC
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Subject: [tcpm] TCPM agenda slots for Dublin
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We're in the process of planning the agenda for the TCPM meeting in Dublin. If you'd like to request a presentation slot, please let Dave and I know in the next couple weeks. Tell us: (1) What the topic is (and if it corresponds to a draft) (2) Who will present (3) How much time is requested The IETF meeting agenda currently has TCPM as a 2 hour timeslot on Monday evening from 17:40 - 19:50 (Dublin time), July 28th: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/72/agenda.html Thanks. _______________________________________________ tcpm mailing list tcpm@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/tcpm
- [tcpm] TCPM agenda slots for Dublin Eddy, Wesley M. (GRC-RCN0)[VZ]