[tcpm] Probing the viability of TCP extensions
"Adam Langley" <agl@imperialviolet.org> Tue, 16 September 2008 18:38 UTC
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For my own gratification, if nothing else, I ran an experiment probing for a few TCP behaviours on common webservers. Greg Chesson encouraged me to write it up: Abstract: TCP was designed with extendibility in mind, chiefly re- flected in the options mechanism. However, there have been repeated observations of misbehaving middleware that have hampered the deployment of beneficial TCP extensions. This paper reports on an experiment to determine how preva- lent three types of behaviour are. We find that 9.08% of hosts don't respond to SYN frames with payloads, 0.17% of hosts don't respond to SYN frames with non-standard op- tions and 0.56% of hosts don't respond to SYN frames which attempt to negotiate ECN. http://www.imperialviolet.org/binary/ecntest.pdf Comments welcome. If anyone thinks it worthwhile, I may submit it somewhere. Cheers AGL -- Adam Langley agl@imperialviolet.org http://www.imperialviolet.org _______________________________________________ tcpm mailing list tcpm@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/tcpm
- [tcpm] Probing the viability of TCP extensions Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Probing the viability of TCP extensions Sally Floyd
- [tcpm] Fwd: Probing the viability of TCP extensio… Lars Eggert
- Re: [tcpm] Fwd: Probing the viability of TCP exte… Scheffenegger, Richard
- Re: [tcpm] Fwd: Probing the viability of TCP exte… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Fwd: Probing the viability of TCP exte… Patrick McManus
- Re: [tcpm] [multipathtcp] Fwd: Probing the viabil… Fred Baker
- Re: [tcpm] [multipathtcp] Fwd: Probing the viabil… Patrick McManus
- Re: [tcpm] [multipathtcp] Fwd: Probing the viabil… Hagen Paul Pfeifer