[tcpPrague] Minor L4S BoF proposal updates

Bob Briscoe <ietf@bobbriscoe.net> Fri, 10 June 2016 11:48 UTC

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Subject: [tcpPrague] Minor L4S BoF proposal updates
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Since the BoF proposal deadline, I've made a couple of edits to the L4S 
BoF proposal:
* Ingemar Johansson's agenda slot is confirmed (if you approve the BoF) 
- he's implemented a 1/p variant of RMCAT SCREAM for 4G/5G - very early 
days, but encouraging initial results.
* I've added Lars as a potential second chair - obviously ultimately for 
you / Spencer to decide.

Marcelo, Koen and I will be posting a -01 draft of our L4S Problem 
Statement in a couple of hours:
* the couple of parts that were roughed out have been properly finished,
* an ASCII art architecture figure added,
* added quantification of the size of the problem and the performance of 
example solutions so far, based on testing.


Bob Briscoe                               http://bobbriscoe.net/