[Teas] Re: Regarding IPR on draft-liu-teas-transport-network-slice-yang-11

Aihua Guo <aihuaguo.ietf@gmail.com> Tue, 29 October 2024 22:24 UTC

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From: Aihua Guo <aihuaguo.ietf@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 18:24:23 -0400
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To: OSCAR GONZALEZ DE DIOS <oscar.gonzalezdedios@telefonica.com>
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Subject: [Teas] Re: Regarding IPR on draft-liu-teas-transport-network-slice-yang-11
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Hi Chairs, WG,

No, I'm not aware of any IPR that applies to this draft.



On Tue, Oct 29, 2024 at 8:10 AM OSCAR GONZALEZ DE DIOS <
oscar.gonzalezdedios@telefonica.com> wrote:

> Authors, Contributors, WG,
> In preparation for WG Adoption
> Are you aware of any IPR that applies to
> draft-liu-teas-transport-network-slice-yang-11?
> Please state either:
> "No, I'm not aware of any IPR that applies to this draft"
> or
> "Yes, I'm aware of IPR that applies to this draft"
> If so, has this IPR been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules
> (see RFCs 3669, 5378 and 8179 for more details)?
> If yes to the above, please state either:
> "Yes, the IPR has been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules"
> or
> "No, the IPR has not been disclosed"
> If you answer no, please provide any additional details you think
> appropriate. If you are listed as a document author or contributor
> please answer the above by responding to this email regardless of
> whether or not you are aware of any relevant IPR. This document will not
> advance to the next stage until a response has been received from each
> author.
> If you are on the WG email list or attend WG meetings but are not listed
> as an author or contributor, we remind you of your obligations under
> the IETF IPR rules which encourages you to notify the IETF if you are
> aware of IPR of others on an IETF contribution, or to refrain from
> participating in any contribution or discussion related to your
> undisclosed IPR. For more information, please see
> https://www.ietf.org/standards/ipr/
> Thank you,
> Oscar (as co-chair)
> PS Please include all listed in the headers of this message in your
> response.
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