[Teas] Re: [mpls] Re: [EXTERNAL] Comments about rfc2205 Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP)

Tuấn Anh Vũ <anhvt.hdg@gmail.com> Fri, 01 November 2024 02:05 UTC

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From: Tuấn Anh Vũ <anhvt.hdg@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 09:05:39 +0700
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To: Joel Halpern <jmh@joelhalpern.com>
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Subject: [Teas] Re: [mpls] Re: [EXTERNAL] Comments about rfc2205 Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP)
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Hi Joel,
Thanks for your email.
I agree that we have some protocols to support RSVP-TE to detect the link
issue faster (exp: bfd, ...). But in some cases, the router deleted the LSP
state for other reasons, not only link failure. I just think that RSVP
should have its mechanic to avoid such of issue.


Vào Th 4, 30 thg 10, 2024 vào lúc 01:44 Joel Halpern <jmh@joelhalpern.com>
đã viết:

> I am trying to parse the case.  Restating to label things.  For some
> RSVP-TE based LSP router A is upstream of router B over link C. The link
> between A and B flaps.  A does not notice. A is not running BFD to provide
> backup detection.  B does notice.  Having noticed, B deletes the path state.
> If I understand your ask, you want B to send A a notice that it has
> deleted the path state.  To do so, it would need to save the information
> until the link comes back (which happens to be quickly in your
> hypothetical), and then send the notice.  And hope that the notice gets
> through before the link flaps again?    It seems BFD is well-designed for
> this problem, and is a general mechanism with rather than putting in a
> complex special behavior into RSVP-TE?  Am I missing some added value in
> bundling this into RSVP-TE?
> In a different hypothetical, for example if B deleted the state due to
> resource exhaustion, I could see attempting to send the notification
> upstream.  But that is not what you seem to have requested.
> Yours,
> Joel
> On 10/29/2024 3:05 AM, Tuấn Anh Vũ wrote:
> Hi Adrian, Sasha,
> I agree that we have BFD to detect the link issue. But just think that
> RSVP-TE should have its mechanic to ensure the router signals both
> downstream and upstream when the LSP soft-state is deleted.
> There are many causes leading to the issue of one router clearing the soft
> state, not just the issue I listed in the email; it is just one example.
> Regards,
> AnhVT
> Vào Th 6, 25 thg 10, 2024 vào lúc 21:13 Adrian Farrel <
> adrian@olddog.co.uk> đã viết:
>> I agree with Sasha, here.
>> It seems that you should not be relying on RSVP-TE to detect link
>> failures. If the hardware cannot be relied to catch the problems, then BFD
>> seems like the right tool.
>> RSVP-TE **is** soft state. But that means it cleans up after errors, not
>> that it can be (or should be) used to detect network problems.
>> Cheers,
>> Adrian
>> *From:* Alexander Vainshtein <Alexander.Vainshtein=
>> 40rbbn.com@dmarc.ietf.org>
>> *Sent:* 22 October 2024 10:54
>> *To:* Tuấn Anh Vũ <anhvt.hdg@gmail.com>
>> *Cc:* mpls@ietf.org
>> *Subject:* [mpls] Re: [EXTERNAL] Comments about rfc2205 Resource
>> ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP)
>> AnhVT hi!
>> Have you considered running very fast 1-hop IP-BFD (RFC 5881) between R2
>> and R3, possibly combined with setting something like hold-time up (or its
>> equivalent in your specific equipment – a mechanism that reduces link
>> flapping by delaying propagation of physical UP events to L3 entities on
>> this port)?
>> My guess is that such a combination would result in bi-directional
>> detection of link going down by 1-hop IP-BFD, and your RSVP problem would
>> then disappear.
>> Regards,
>> Sasha
>> *From:* Tuấn Anh Vũ <anhvt.hdg@gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 22, 2024 6:45 AM
>> *To:* mpls@ietf.org
>> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] [mpls] Comments abount rfc2205 Resource
>> ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP)
>> Hi IETF team,
>> I'm AnhVT from the SVTech company in VietNam, I have experienced some
>> RSVP issues in the IPv4 MPLS network.
>> I suspect that RSVP has a point that needs to be enhanced. I
>> describe this point below:
>> I./ Topology:
>>     ---------LSP-------->
>>     R1----R2----R3-----R4
>>           |    /
>>           |  /
>>            R5
>> II./ Issue
>> 1./ Because of some bugs (exp: R3 experiences a flap link between R3-R2,
>> but R2 does not recognize the interface flap), R3 indicates that LSP is
>> down, then it deletes the LSP state and sends the PathTear downstream to R4.
>> 2./Because R2 does not recognize the interface flap, R2 still keeps
>> it available. It does not know that the LSP should be deleted.
>> 3./ Due to 1./ and 2./ R1 does not know that the LSP is stuck because R3
>> and R4 deleted the LSP state, and R1 continues forwarding traffic to the
>> LSP, This makes the service down.
>> III./ My comment
>> I think that RSVP needs a mechanic so that R3 signals to R2 to ensure
>> that R2 knows that R3 deleted the LSP. Based on that signal, R2 will bring
>> down the LSP and continue to send Reserve Tear to R1.
>> I hope that you take a look at my comment.
>> Regards,
>> AnhVT
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