Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll: draft-contreras-teas-slice-nbi-06 Tue, 05 July 2022 10:46 UTC

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Thread-Topic: [Teas] WG adoption poll: draft-contreras-teas-slice-nbi-06
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Looks like a good plan.

Thanks, Adrian.


De : Adrian Farrel <>
Envoyé : mardi 5 juillet 2022 12:15
À : BOUCADAIR Mohamed INNOV/NET <>; 'Vishnu Pavan Beeram' <>; 'TEAS WG' <>
Cc : 'TEAS WG Chairs' <>
Objet : RE: [Teas] WG adoption poll: draft-contreras-teas-slice-nbi-06

That’s a reasonable argument, Med. Thanks.

Might be nice to include a statement of intent in the Abstract/Introduction along the lines of “This document is intended to provide motivation and support for work on YANG models for the IETF Network Slice Service interface. As such, it might not be necessary to advance it to publication as an RFC.”


From:<> <<>>
Sent: 05 July 2022 10:30
To:<>; 'Vishnu Pavan Beeram' <<>>; 'TEAS WG' <<>>
Cc: 'TEAS WG Chairs' <<>>
Subject: RE: [Teas] WG adoption poll: draft-contreras-teas-slice-nbi-06

Hi Adrian, all,

(focusing on this specific comment below)

As you known, adopting does not mean that the document will make it to the RFC stage. IMO, this document is a good ** support document **. As such, it falls under and the WG may decide to let it expire when it serves its purposes or not.

The merit I see in formally adopting is to have a WG reference to assess the slice service model against a set of cases and capture consensus about any missing attributes that need to be reflected in the service model itself.


De : Teas <<>> De la part de Adrian Farrel
Envoyé : dimanche 3 juillet 2022 01:33
À : 'Vishnu Pavan Beeram' <<>>; 'TEAS WG' <<>>
Cc : 'TEAS WG Chairs' <<>>
Objet : Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll: draft-contreras-teas-slice-nbi-06


(Not late with this review!)

I only have one question about supporting the adoption of this document
and that is to wonder whether the work is overtaken by events. We
already have work progressing developing and specifying the IETF Network
Slice Service Interface YANG model in draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-
slice-nbi-yang. That YANG model is surely based on discussions that
arise from this work, and I am not doubting the value of those
discussions. But I don't quite understand why we need to pursue this I-D
towards an RFC when it's principal purpose is surely to shape the
content of the YANG model. Have I missed the purpose of this draft?


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