Re: [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp-te was Re: TEAS WG Document Status Reports
tom petch <> Thu, 07 May 2020 09:42 UTC
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From: tom petch <>
To: Tarek Saad <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: teas-yang-rsvp-te was Re: TEAS WG Document Status Reports
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Subject: Re: [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp-te was Re: TEAS WG Document Status Reports
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Ah, my mistake, I see that there is a -08 which addresses the changes in te-23. I still get a sense of an unfinished look for this I-D such as augments /* to be added*/ empty augments description XX On a more detailed note 1.2 ietf-te-mpls-types is not something I am familiar with 2.1 I find the mix of some augments going up and some down confusing. I find it clearer when augments point upwards WG Chairs no longer go in contact revision needs to be initial version when this I-D goes forward, for both modules message identity I would have thought a better fit with base rsvp even if not used there else having to import rsvp-te when nothing to do with te rsvp-te-interface-attributes why does this empty container exist? IANA Considerations URI needs registrant contacts prefix are not those that appear in the modules Security Considerations is out of date; the current boilerplate includes RESTCONF RFC2961, RFC3473 are reference by the YANG module but are not in the I-D References Overall, I find the I-D hard to comprehend, partly because of the (chain of) augments, partly because of groupings within groupings with groupings within ... Tom Petch ________________________________________ From: Teas <> on behalf of tom petch <> Sent: 06 May 2020 10:19 From: Teas <> on behalf of Tarek Saad <> Sent: 21 April 2020 22:39 Subject: [Teas] TEAS WG Document Status Reports Hi WG, Below is status reports for the below documents. Regards, Tarek (for the document co-authors) 1. draft-ietf-teas-yang-te-23 Current Status: * Version -21 was reviewed by YANG Dr. and received comments * Authors addressed all comments in version -23 (already uploaded). * Team meeting regularly to address open issues – tracked on * Will publish new version -24 before asking for WGLC Open Issues: * None. Next Steps:. * Authors will followup with YANG Dr. to make sure no further comments * Will request a Working Group Last Call after completing the above 2. draft-ietf-teas-yang-rsvp-11 Current Status: * Version -10 was reviewed by YANG Dr. and received comments * Authors published version -12 which addressed all outstanding comments * Authors followed up with YANG Dr. reviewer on closing comments Open Issues: * None Next Steps: * Proceed to WGLC 3. draft-ietf-teas-yang-rsvp-te-07 Current Status: * Version -07 was reviewed by YANG Dr. and received comments Open Issues: <tp> Lots! Tarek, this I-D needs quite a lot of work. It relies on teas-yang-te and ;has a Normative Reference to -21; but we now have -23 which has turned everything upside down, like all references to p2p-primary-path have gone. So I am not inclined to review this until this is updated to match -23. In passing, 1.2 suggests other problems - I know of no te-mpls-types - and IANA Considerations is plain wrong to register rsvp. Tom Petch (who thinks he made need a synonym to b e allowed to continue posting to TEAS:-) * Authors working on addressing YANG Dr. comments Next Steps: * Folllow-up with YANG Dr. reviewer to close on comments * Proceed to WGLC after addressing 4. draft-ietf-teas-yang-te-mpls Current Status: * Authors discussing augmentation of this module for MPLS-TP * A new module and model is expected Open Issues: * Close on MPLS-TP modeling Next Steps: * Publish a new revision * Ask for YANG Dr. review _______________________________________________ Teas mailing list
- [Teas] TEAS WG Document Status Reports Tarek Saad
- Re: [Teas] TEAS WG Document Status Reports yang-te tom petch
- Re: [Teas] TEAS WG Document Status Reports yang-te tom petch
- [Teas] teas-yang-te wasRe: TEAS WG Document Statu… tom petch
- [Teas] yang-te-mpls wasRe: TEAS WG Document Statu… tom petch
- [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp wasRe: TEAS WG Document Sta… tom petch
- Re: [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp wasRe: TEAS WG Document… tom petch
- [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp-te was Re: TEAS WG Document… tom petch
- Re: [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp-te was Re: TEAS WG Docu… tom petch
- Re: [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp wasRe: TEAS WG Document… Tarek Saad
- Re: [Teas] teas-yang-te wasRe: TEAS WG Document S… Tarek Saad
- Re: [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp wasRe: TEAS WG Document… tom petch
- Re: [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp wasRe: TEAS WG Document… Tarek Saad
- Re: [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp wasRe: TEAS WG Document… tom petch
- [Teas] The elephant on the highway was Re: teas-y… tom petch
- Re: [Teas] teas-yang-rsvp wasRe: TEAS WG Document… Tarek Saad
- [Teas] TEAS WG Document Status Reports Tarek Saad