[Teas] Re: [spring] Re: Fw:New Version Notification for draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt
Liyan Gong <gongliyan@chinamobile.com> Mon, 01 July 2024 09:26 UTC
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Subject: [Teas] Re: [spring] Re: Fw:New Version Notification for draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt
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Hi Mohamed, Thank you for your thorough comments. They are greatly appreciated. Apologies for the delay in responding. Originally, we aimed to revise the draft promptly. However, upon review, we39ve found that additional time is necessary to complete the required modifications. We are actively working on this and will finalize it as soon as possible. Your patience is sincerely appreciated. We anticipate that the updated version will address your concerns. We look forward to potentially presenting it at the upcoming IETF meeting for further discussion based on the revised content. Best Regards, Liyan ----邮件原文----发件人:"mohamed.boucadair" <mohamed.boucadair@orange.com>收件人:Liyan Gong <gongliyan@chinamobile.com>,spring <spring@ietf.org>,teas <teas@ietf.org>,spring-chairs <spring-chairs@ietf.org>,teas-chairs <teas-chairs@ietf.org>抄 送: (无)发送时间:2024-06-20 15:38:46主题:[spring] Re: [Teas] Fw:New Version Notification for draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt Hi Liyan, all, Thank you for sharing this version I don’t think that the document is ready for adoption (yet). I think that before diving into technicalities how to glue various slice levels with specific techniques, we need a better understanding on the actual use/need. For example, the cases mentioned in the draft can be handled by managing separate network services, not binding them artificially to a parent slice service. Also, if recursion is needed, then architectural considerations require to be worked out first. For example, (1) it is not clear from the current text how to map the RFC9543 scope into low-levels (PE/CE roles, etc.), (2) whether/why preserving top-level marking is needed when traveling in low-levels, (3) the requirements imposed on NRP mappings may not be easy to implement because forwarding nodes don’t have access to the parent slice service, etc. Let alone that Flex-Algo alone is not sufficient to realize a slice if not jointly deployed with other techniques (please see draft-ietf-teas-5g-ns-ip-mpls). There is also some confusion (at least in my mind) about some of the NRP use in the draft. Some of it is more like a filtered topology while some other use of network slice is more about connectivity constructs of a slice. FWIW, you can find more comments at https://github.com/boucadair/IETF-Drafts-Reviews/raw/master/2024/draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00-rev%20Med.doc Hope this helps. Cheers, Med De : Liyan Gong <gongliyan@chinamobile.com> Envoyé : lundi 17 juin 2024 10:17 À : spring <spring@ietf.org> teas <teas@ietf.org> spring-chairs <spring-chairs@ietf.org> teas-chairs <teas-chairs@ietf.org> Objet : [Teas] Fw:New Version Notification for draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt Dear All, We have uploaded a new version of the document "draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution". This draft introduces a hierarchical slice solution leveraging SRv6 technology which can be applied to the typical single-industry multi-user slicing scenario. It has been presented to the SPRING and TEAS working groups, and we greatly appreciate all the valuable feedback received. Based on this input, we have incorporated updates into the document. To prevent further confusion, we have renamed the draft to "draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution" (replacing "draft-gong-teas-hierarchical-slice-solution"). We kindly request your consideration for adoption in the SPRING WG. Any additional comments or suggestions to enhance the document are highly encouraged and appreciated. Best Regards, Liyan ----邮件原文---- 发件人:internet-drafts <internet-drafts@ietf.org> 收件人:Changwang Lin <linchangwang.04414@h3c.com>,Jie Dong <jie.dong@huawei.com>,Liyan Gong <gongliyan@chinamobile.com>,Mengxiao Chen <chen.mengxiao@h3c.com>,Ran Chen <chen.ran@zte.com.cn>,Weiqiang Cheng <chengweiqiang@chinamobile.com>,Yanrong Liang <liangyanrong@ruijie.com.cn> 抄 送: (无) 发送时间:2024-06-17 16:00:27 主题:New Version Notification for draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt A new version of Internet-Draft draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt has been successfully submitted by Liyan Gong and posted to the IETF repository. Name: draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution Revision: 00 Title: Segment Routing based Solution for Hierarchical IETF Network Slices Date: 2024-06-14 Group: Individual Submission Pages: 15 URL: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt Status: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution/ HTMLized: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution Abstract: This document describes a Segment Routing based solution for two- level hierarchical IETF network slices. Level-1 network slice is realized by associating Flex-Algo with dedicated sub-interfaces, and level-2 network slice is realized by using SR Policy with additional NRP-ID on data plane. The IETF Secretariat Subject:New Version Notification for draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt A new version of Internet-Draft draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt has been successfully submitted by Liyan Gong and posted to the IETF repository. Name: draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution Revision: 00 Title: Segment Routing based Solution for Hierarchical IETF Network Slices Date: 2024-06-14 Group: Individual Submission Pages: 15 URL: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution-00.txt Status: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution/ HTMLized: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-gong-spring-hierarchical-slice-solution Abstract: This document describes a Segment Routing based solution for two- level hierarchical IETF network slices. Level-1 network slice is realized by associating Flex-Algo with dedicated sub-interfaces, and level-2 network slice is realized by using SR Policy with additional NRP-ID on data plane. The IETF Secretariat ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l39expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d39alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. 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- [Teas] Fw:New Version Notification for draft-gong… Liyan Gong
- [Teas] Re: Fw:New Version Notification for draft-… mohamed.boucadair
- [Teas] Re: [spring] Re: Fw:New Version Notificati… Liyan Gong