Re: [Teas] Poll on making draft-liu-teas-yang-te-topo-01 a WG document

Dieter Beller <> Tue, 21 April 2015 12:55 UTC

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Hi Sue, all,

On 20.04.2015 07:47, Susan Hares wrote:



Do you think the arbitrary number of TE topologies are arbitrary in a hierarchy (1-N levels) or a wide topologies (1-N topologies).

I am having some difficulties to really understand your question. Let me try to clarify what I meant with my comment:

An abstract topology is according to my understanding composed of links and vertices (nodes) and a vertex could be an abstract
node that represents an underlying abstract topology. This underlying abstract topology can be decomposed again into links and
vertices (nodes) when you zoom into an abstract node.

Based on this principle of recursion, you can create a hierarchy that can have arbitrary levels and a further decomposition is possible
until you have not reached the physical node level (bottom of the hierarchy).

I hope this helps.





From: Teas [] On Behalf Of Dieter Beller
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 3:00 PM
To: Lou Berger; TEAS WG
Subject: Re: [Teas] Poll on making draft-liu-teas-yang-te-topo-01 a WG document


Hi Lou, all,

yes/support - however, other than +1 to comments from Paul, Young, and Xian, I would like to emphasize again what I commented
during the discussion in Dallas:

An introduction and a description of the information model (similar to that in draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-network-topo-00) is needed in the
beginning of the document that explains the YANG data model. This section would describe the relationships of the managed entities
(objects) and their attributes with references to the YANG model tree structure and the model definition.

Moreover, for example in the context of ACTN, the model also needs to describe how it can support an arbitrary number of TE
topology hierarchies
.  I have seen that the current model already provides some means for that, but this should be described in
more detail and some examples should be provided.


On 13.04.2015 20:08, Lou Berger wrote:

This is start of a two week poll on making
draft-liu-teas-yang-te-topo-01 a TEAS working group document. Please
send email to the list indicating “yes/support” or “no/do not support”.
If indicating no, please state your technical reservations with the
document.  If yes, please also feel free to provide comments you'd like
to see addressed once the document is a WG document.
This document is the product of the TE Topology YANG Model Design Team
and the intent is for this work to serve as the foundation for the WG's
normal activities in this area, i.e., the document is the starting point
for the WG -- not a finished product.  The DT will be closed once we
have a WG document on this topic.
The poll ends Monday April 27th
Lou (and Pavan, who is a co-author)
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