[Teas] Re: Call for adoption: draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept (Ends 23/09/2024)

Olga Havel <olga.havel@huawei.com> Fri, 18 October 2024 17:19 UTC

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From: Olga Havel <olga.havel@huawei.com>
To: Italo Busi <Italo.Busi=40huawei.com@dmarc.ietf.org>, "mohamed.boucadair@orange.com" <mohamed.boucadair@orange.com>, "nmop@ietf.org" <nmop@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Call for adoption: draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept (Ends 23/09/2024)
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Subject: [Teas] Re: Call for adoption: draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept (Ends 23/09/2024)
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Hi Italo,

Med opened an issue 1 on github for this feedback (Scope/Goal/Intended Use (from Italo) * Issue #1 * ietf-wg-nmop/draft-ietf-nmop-digital-map-concept (github.com)<https://github.com/ietf-wg-nmop/draft-ietf-nmop-digital-map-concept/issues/1>
I plan to create a new issue for lifecycle/use case clarification (Issue 9)  and close Issue 1 as I think that last 2 points have been addressed.

Med, Italo, is that OK with you?

Best Regards,

From: Italo Busi <Italo.Busi=40huawei.com@dmarc.ietf.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2024 5:04 PM
To: mohamed.boucadair@orange.com; nmop@ietf.org
Cc: TEAS WG (teas@ietf.org) <teas@ietf.org>; nmop-chairs@ietf.org; draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept@ietf.org
Subject: RE: Call for adoption: draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept (Ends 23/09/2024)

Hi Med, WG(s),

I think the document needs some important updates, however I do support the adoption of the draft as a WG document

The work is in the scope of NMOP WG (as explicitly stated in the charter) and I agree that NMOP WG needs to develop a common view of the definitions, use cases and requirements for digital map, which is what this I-D is aiming for

I wished to provide more constructive and detailed comments to the draft, but I am running out of time for the adoption call so I am starting to share an high-level overview my major comments. At this moment in time, it is not fully clear to me whether the digital map is intended to be:

  *   aimed at supporting the full lifecycle of network management/control (as it seems to me being stated in the draft) or just the network visualization application (as I have understood from previous discussions and PoCs)
[OH] I created Issue 9 for this. The Digital Map API is used in multiple use cases and can support all the functions in the lifecycle. The analysis and examples of when write interface is needed will be done in the future versions when we add more content into how use cases are using Digital Map API.

  *   addressing only network scenarios with L2&L3 technologies (as I have understood from previous discussions) or any network scenarios where TE layers, such as WDM, OTN or MPLS-TE, are also present (as I would assume by reading the draft as technology-agnostic)
[OH] The new version of the draft will clarification that it can be applicable to all layers.

  *   addressing only the applicability of topology models in support of digital twins (as it seems to me being stated in the draft) or more than just topology (as I have understood from previous discussions)
[OH] This has been changed in the old version

IMHO, the NMOP WG should take on this draft and improve it to clarify all the points as well as other doubts I have seen from other comments sent to the list(s) as replies to this WG adoption call


From: mohamed.boucadair@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucadair@orange.com> <mohamed.boucadair@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucadair@orange.com>>
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2024 3:28 PM
To: nmop@ietf.org<mailto:nmop@ietf.org>
Cc: TEAS WG (teas@ietf.org<mailto:teas@ietf.org>) <teas@ietf.org<mailto:teas@ietf.org>>; nmop-chairs@ietf.org<mailto:nmop-chairs@ietf.org>; draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept@ietf.org<mailto:draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept@ietf.org>
Subject: [NMOP] Call for adoption: draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept (Ends 23/09/2024)

Hi all,

This message starts a 2-week call for adoption for https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept/.

Please reply to this message by indicating whether you support or not the adoption of this draft. Comments to motivate your preference are highly appreciated.


  * No IPR was disclosed for the draft [1]
  * There was fair support to adopt the doc per a poll in Vancouver [2]

The call is also cced to TEAS; replies should be sent to NMOP.

The call will run till 23 September 2024.

Thank you

[1] https://github.com/ietf-wg-nmop/Logistic/blob/main/ipr-poll-cfa/draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept.md
[2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/minutes-120-nmop-202407262000/


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