[Teas] I-D Action: draft-ietf-teas-actn-pm-telemetry-autonomics-14.txt

internet-drafts@ietf.org Sun, 20 October 2024 06:36 UTC

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Internet-Draft draft-ietf-teas-actn-pm-telemetry-autonomics-14.txt is now
available. It is a work item of the Traffic Engineering Architecture and
Signaling (TEAS) WG of the IETF.

   Title:   YANG models for Virtual Network (VN)/TE Performance Monitoring Telemetry and Scaling Intent Autonomics
   Authors: Young Lee
            Dhruv Dhody
            Ricard Vilalta
            Daniel King
            Daniele Ceccarelli
   Name:    draft-ietf-teas-actn-pm-telemetry-autonomics-14.txt
   Pages:   40
   Dates:   2024-10-19


   This document provides YANG data models that describe the performance
   monitoring parameters and scaling intent mechanisms for TE-tunnels
   and Virtual Networks (VNs).  Their performance monitoring parameters
   are exposed as the key telemetry data for tunnels and VN.

   The models presented in this document allow customers to subscribe to
   and monitor the key performance data of the TE-tunnel or the VN.  The
   models also provide customers with the ability to program autonomic
   scaling intent mechanisms on the level of TE-tunnel as well as VN.

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