[Teas] 答复: WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-actn-poi-applicability
Zhenghaomian <zhenghaomian@huawei.com> Fri, 14 August 2020 03:15 UTC
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From: Zhenghaomian <zhenghaomian@huawei.com>
To: Vishnu Pavan Beeram <vishnupavan@gmail.com>, TEAS WG <teas@ietf.org>
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Thread-Topic: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-actn-poi-applicability
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Yes/Support. Best wishes, Haomian 发件人: Teas [mailto:teas-bounces@ietf.org] 代表 Vishnu Pavan Beeram 发送时间: 2020年8月14日 10:38 收件人: TEAS WG <teas@ietf.org> 抄送: TEAS WG Chairs <teas-chairs@ietf.org> 主题: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-actn-poi-applicability All, This is start of a two week poll on making draft-peru-teas-actn-poi-applicability-05 a TEAS working group document. Please send email to the list indicating "yes/support" or "no/do not support". If indicating no, please state your reservations with the document. If yes, please also feel free to provide comments you'd like to see addressed once the document is a WG document. The poll ends Aug 27th. Thanks, Pavan and Lou
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Khasanov Boris
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Dhruv Dhody
- [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-actn-po… Vishnu Pavan Beeram
- [Teas] 答复: WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Zhenghaomian
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Young Lee
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Gabriele Maria Galimberti (ggalimbe)
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Italo Busi
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Paolo Volpato
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… daniel
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Aihua Guo
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Scharf, Michael
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Belotti, Sergio (Nokia - IT/Vimercate)
- [Teas] R: WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-actn… Peruzzini Fabio
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Xufeng Liu
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Daniele Ceccarelli
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Eric Gray
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Vishnu Pavan Beeram
- Re: [Teas] WG adoption poll - draft-peru-teas-act… Belotti, Sergio (Nokia - IT/Vimercate)