[Teas] Re: Call for adoption: draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept (Ends 23/09/2024)

Joel Halpern <jmh@joelhalpern.com> Tue, 10 September 2024 08:16 UTC

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Fair enough.  If it is in the charter, then I can't object. However, I 
would suggest that the draft be clear that it is intended for more than 
just digital twins, and specify what it is for.  Otherwise, I don't know 
how the WG will evaluate wheether the draft meets the needs.



On 9/10/2024 3:09 AM, mohamed.boucadair@orange.com wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> NMOP has a charter item to investigate and propose solutions to address:
> Issues related to deployment/usage of YANG topology modules (e.g., to
> model a Digital Map)
> ==
> We need a concept to refer to 
> viewing/manipulating/correlating/navigating (zooming in/zooming 
> out)/filtering/exposing them to applications/etc. the various IETF 
> topology models out there to address operators needs. The rationale is 
> for the WG to better contextualize the issues and then help the 
> assessment/mitigation effort. All these operational considerations 
> fall in the IETF land.
> Digital map may be used independent of digital twin, but still that’s 
> one recurrent case.
> Cheers,
> Med
> *De :*Joel Halpern <jmh@joelhalpern.com>
> *Envoyé :* mardi 10 septembre 2024 05:39
> *À :* BOUCADAIR Mohamed INNOV/NET <mohamed.boucadair@orange.com>; 
> nmop@ietf.org
> *Cc :* TEAS WG (teas@ietf.org) <teas@ietf.org>; 
> draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept@ietf.org
> *Objet :* Re: [Teas] Call for adoption: 
> draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept (Ends 23/09/2024)
> Maybe I am missing something basic. This document seems like it would 
> fit in the nmrg, where the work on digital twins is being done.  It 
> seems very strange for the IETF to work on the definitions of 
> mechanisms to support digital twins when the IETF has not even bought 
> in to the concept of digital twins needing protocol support.  As far 
> as I can tell, the IETF has not even finished agreeing on a definition 
> to suggest to the IETF for a digital twin.
> Yours,
> Joel
> On 9/9/2024 9:27 AM, mohamed.boucadair@orange.com wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     This message starts a 2-week call for adoption for
>     https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept/.
>     Please reply to this message by indicating whether you support or
>     not the adoption of this draft. Comments to motivate your
>     preference are highly appreciated.
>     FWIW:
>     * No IPR was disclosed for the draft [1]
>     * There was fair support to adopt the doc per a poll in Vancouver [2]
>     The call is also cced to TEAS; replies should be sent to NMOP.
>     The call will run till 23 September 2024.
>     Thank you
>     Med
>     [1]
>     https://github.com/ietf-wg-nmop/Logistic/blob/main/ipr-poll-cfa/draft-havel-nmop-digital-map-concept.md
>     [2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/minutes-120-nmop-202407262000/
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