Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices
Oscar González de Dios <> Thu, 06 May 2021 11:53 UTC
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From: Oscar González de Dios <>
To: Loa Andersson <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices
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Subject: Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices
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Hi Adrian, I think what is really relevant is to have a clear definition on the chosen term to avoid misunderstandings. Unfortunately today customer/consumer/client are used also in other contexts that might bring extra implications. Said that, I am fine with the term customer. There are still a couple of places in the document where the term "service customer" is used. Please change those to "IETF Network Slice customer" to be coherent. One argument in favor of the term customer is that the "IETF Network slice customer" makes use of the slice to fulfill its needs (can be carry the traffic from a to b with a set of SLOs) and manage the granted slice (that is, it can rearrange the resources it is allowed to). The term consumer misses the management part, which is a key differentiator of a slice. In the definition of customer, Can we just say: " A customer may manage the granted IETF Network Slice. Also, I'd like to clarify between the management of the IETF Network slice that the customer can do and the management the provider can do. The customer can "play" within the allocated resources, but may have some limitations. One question, the ability to manage the slice, is part of an SLO? Or should be defined separately with a different term? It would be interesting to have the possibility to indicate what the slice customer can manage and what not... I support moving earlier in the document the definition of the IETF Network Slice Customer and, also, add a definition for the IETF Network Slice Provider (although only "provider" is used thought the text). Best Regards, Oscar -----Mensaje original----- De: Teas <> En nombre de Loa Andersson Enviado el: jueves, 6 de mayo de 2021 9:31 Para:;; Asunto: Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices Adrian, That is acceptable. As you said it is late in the document, and really not in a definitions section. I don't know if we can we place something in Section "2. Terms and Abbreviations", but there seems to be only abbreviations. Your wholesale example: I think you forget about wholesale. What do you call the school that buys food at the shop to provide to the children? Do you call the school the customer, or do you refer to the cook who buys the food as the customer? The contract is with the school, negotiated by the cook, signed by the bursar. I think "the school! is the customer, which is OK in this context. The cook and the school kids could be viewed as consumers", one removed from the system. It strikes me that "Customer System" and "IETF Slice" are somewhat similar, the risk is that we talk about "customer" (even if we change it), and "slice" (even though if is really "IETF Slice)", Having said that, though it is not my task to call consensus, I think we have a enough support to use "customer". I rest my case. /Loa On 05/05/2021 13:05, Adrian Farrel wrote: > We currently have (in section 5.1, which may be a bit late in the > document) > > Customer: A customer is the requester of an IETF Network Slice. > Customers may request monitoring of SLOs. A customer may manage > the IETF Network Slice service directly by interfacing with the > IETF NSC or indirectly through an orchestrator. > > We could add "A customer may be an entity such as an enterprise > network or a network operator, an individual working at such an > entity, a private individual contracting for a service, or an > application or software component." > > Cheers, > Adrian > > -----Original Message----- > From: <> > Sent: 05 May 2021 11:58 > To:; 'Loa Andersson' <>; > Subject: RE: [Teas] Moving forward with > draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices > > Hi all, > >> Anyone else got anything to say on the topic? > > I would simply use "customer" and make sure the definition is generic > enough to denote a role/entity. > > Thanks. > > Cheers, > Med > >> -----Message d'origine----- >> De : Teas [] De la part de Adrian Farrel >> Envoyé : mercredi 5 mai 2021 11:59 À : 'Loa Andersson' <>; >> Objet : Re: [Teas] Moving forward with >> draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network- slices >> >> Hi Loa, >> >>> On customer vs. consumer Adrian says: >>> >>>> c. "Consumer" vs "customer". I have made this consistent (we >> only need to >>>> use one term). I selected "Customer" because that seemed >> best, but I >>>> know some people prefer "consumer". Please discuss if you >> are not >>>> happy. >>> >>> If the choice is between customer vs. consumer, I prefer customer. >> >> OK. So I made an improvement, but... >> >>> I don't know if it is too late to bring this up. >> >> It's never too late to bring things up. >> >>> But I really don't like either, normal language has a strong >>> indication that that that a customer is a person (a person that >> walks >>> inte to your >>> shop) and consumer is also a person /that eats what I bought at >> your shop). >> >> I think you forget about wholesale. What do you call the school that >> buys food at the shop to provide to the children? Do you call the >> school the customer, or do you refer to the cook who buys the food as >> the customer? The contract is with the school, negotiated by the >> cook, signed by the bursar. >> >>> IETF specifies "systems", including what goes into SW and HW, but >> we >>> don't specify normative rules for human behavior. >>> >>> I don't know if we can talk about Customer System? >> >> I'm afraid of this getting heavy for the reader. There are 73 >> instances of "customer" in the document, and "customer system" may >> become tiresome to read. >> >> Anyone else got anything to say on the topic? >> >> Cheers, >> Adrian >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Teas mailing list >> >> > > ______________________________________________________________________ > ______ _____________________________________________ > > Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations > confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, > exploites ou copies sans autorisation. 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- [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ietf-n… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Loa Andersson
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Rokui, Reza (Nokia - CA/Ottawa)
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Belotti, Sergio (Nokia - IT/Vimercate)
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Shunsuke Homma
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… John E Drake
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… John E Drake
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… peng.shaofu
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Loa Andersson
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Oscar González de Dios
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Igor Bryskin
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… John E Drake
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Igor Bryskin
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… John E Drake
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… niu.xiaobing
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Shunsuke Homma
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Igor Bryskin
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Igor Bryskin
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Joel Halpern Direct
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Tarek Saad
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Ogaki, Kenichi
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Xufeng Liu
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Shunsuke Homma
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Teas] Moving forward with draft-ietf-teas-ie… Adrian Farrel