[Teas] Thoughts on draft-ceccarelli-actn-framework-07.txt
"Adrian Farrel" <adrian@olddog.co.uk> Wed, 06 May 2015 14:53 UTC
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From: Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>
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Hi, I had cause to look at this draft again this week and a few comments popped up. Here they are for the authors to think about. Cheers, Adrian The I-D would best be renamed draft-ceccarelli-teas-actn-framework so that people can more easily associate it with TEAS (just like you did with draft-lee-teas-actn-requirements). --- I really like short Abstracts, but I think this one may be too short. Need to add an initial paragraph on what is going on. I suggest... Transport networks have a variety of mechanisms to facilitate the separation of the data plane and control plane. They also have a range of management and provisioning protocols to configure and activate network resources. These mechanisms represent key technologies for enabling flexible and dynamic networking. Abstraction of network resources is a technique that can be applied to a single network domain or across multiple domains to create a single virtualized network that is under the control of a network operator that may be the customer of the operator that actually owns the network resources. This draft provides a framework for Abstraction and Control of Transport Networks (ACTN). --- Please run through the document and ensure consistent capitalisation of all of the three controllers. --- Section 1 page 3 para 2 OLD Centralized control in SDN helps improve network resources utilization from a distributed network control. NEW Centralized control in SDN helps improve network resources utilization compared with distributed network control. END --- Section 1. Top of page 4 Such a view may be specific to the set of consumed services as well as to a particular customer. "consumed services"? I think... NEW Such a view may be specific to a specific service, the set of consumed resources or to a particular customer. END --- Page 4 bullet 1 Need to expand "ONF" on first use. --- Page 5 top para (last para of section 1). The organization of this draft is as follows. Section 2 provides a discussion for a Business Model, Section 3 ACTN Architecture, Section 4 ACTN Applicability, and Section 5 ACTN Interface requirements. This is out of date and since there is a perfectly good table of contents, I suggest deleting this para. --- Section 5 is broken. You need to separate Daniele and Young as Authors (section 5) and the rest as Contributors (section 6).