[Teas] Joint PALS/MPLS/DetNet/SPRING IETF 110 Session - Fri 12 Mar 2021 - Session I
David Sinicrope <david.sinicrope@gmail.com> Fri, 19 February 2021 23:03 UTC
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Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 18:03:25 -0500
Cc: TEAS WG <teas@ietf.org>, Martin Vigoureux <martin.vigoureux@nokia.com>, "DEBORAH A BRUNGARD (ATTLABS)" <db3546@att.com>, "Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang" <zzhang@juniper.net>, "Rakesh Gandhi (rgandhi)" <rgandhi@cisco.com>, Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com>
To: "pals@ietf.org" <pals@ietf.org>, "mpls@ietf.org" <mpls@ietf.org>, detnet@ietf.org, spring@ietf.org
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Subject: [Teas] Joint PALS/MPLS/DetNet/SPRING IETF 110 Session - Fri 12 Mar 2021 - Session I
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Hi All, There have recently been several drafts that strive to put information needed to correctly forward and process packets immediately following the MPLS label stack. For example, draft-zzhang-intarea-generic-delivery-functions and draft-gandhi-mpls-ioam-sr are aiming for this spot, where PALS and DetNet already sit. There have also been several previous attempts to put information in the same spot. Sometimes the solutions differ widely. To guarantee the future health of the MPLS protocol, guidelines need to be established that are holistic, architectural, future proof. The PALS and MPLS chairs have discussed this issue and have set up a joint meeting in the slot reserved for PALS during IETF 110 (Friday Session I). Those that have worked or are working in this area have been invited to present at the meeting. The working groups that have solutions specified or proposed in this area are encouraged to join the meeting. The objective of the session is to try and reach consensus for a joint and architecturally stable solution that will also have the potential to accommodate new technologies that may use this solution. The agenda for the 2hr session is as follows: MPLS Architecture considerations (Stewart Bryant) - 25 min Intarea generic delivery functions (Jeffrey Zhang) - 15 min MPLS In-situ OAM (Rakesh Gandhi) - 15 min DetNet perspectives (Lou Berger) - 15 min Discussion - 45 min Chairs summary - 5 min If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to any of the joint session Chairs. (PALS, MPLS, DetNet, SPRING) Thanks! Dave Sinicrope PALS WG Secretary
- [Teas] Joint PALS/MPLS/DetNet/SPRING IETF 110 Ses… David Sinicrope