[therightkey] Ramping up

Melinda Shore <melinda.shore@gmail.com> Mon, 17 February 2014 19:01 UTC

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1) I've asked Ben and his co-authors to resubmit
   draft-laurie-rfc6962-bis as draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis

2) We need to nail down milestones.  In particular we need
   to have a reasonable ballpark estimate of when we'll get
   the bis draft into working group last call.  I'd like more
   feedback from the authors and working group participants
   on what they and you feel needs to be done to wrap up
   the draft.  Does late 2014 seem reasonable for working
   group last call?

3) Another question is whether or not there are sections
   of 6962bis which ought to be moved to separate documents,
   such as client behavior.

4) London planning: I am generally not a fan of burning up
   meeting time on PowerPoint-driven presentations - they're
   sometimes unavoidable but IETF meetings are working meetings
   and I'd rather use the time productively, for face to face
   discussion of things which are difficult to work out on
   the mailing list or which would benefit from more interactivity
   than we can get with email.  We don't have a huge amount of
   spare time in London but we can squeeze in some people in
   if they've got something that needs attention or that would
   help move the document along

5) the corollary to 4 is that I do try to get as much done on
   the mailing list as possible.  One thing that's been useful
   in some circumstances in the past has been an issue tracker.
   We do have a working group wiki page with an issue tracker,
   and I'd like to get a sense of whether the working group in
   general and the authors more specifically would find it
   helpful in progressing the document.

6) Are there other process issues you'd like to see addressed?

Once I hear from Ben et al. I'll get a draft agenda for London

