[tig-diagnostics] Uploading icmp aup
Melinda Shore <melinda.shore@gmail.com> Mon, 09 July 2012 20:07 UTC
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Subject: [tig-diagnostics] Uploading icmp aup
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I'm in the process of uploading the ICMP AUP draft. I've spent the last few days looking at it and thinking "no, that's not right" and then rewriting portions, it's been a bit of a slog. I've taken the liberty of adding your name as co-author, both because you've said that you'd be interested in helping whip this thing into shape and because I relied quite a bit on your bibliography. It is being posted as draft-shore-icmp-aup. If there's interest we can discuss it at the opsawg session in Vancouver. Melinda
- Re: [tig-diagnostics] Uploading icmp aup Ronald Bonica
- [tig-diagnostics] Uploading icmp aup Melinda Shore
- Re: [tig-diagnostics] Uploading icmp aup Melinda Shore
- Re: [tig-diagnostics] Uploading icmp aup Ronald Bonica
- Re: [tig-diagnostics] Uploading icmp aup Carlos Pignataro (cpignata)
- Re: [tig-diagnostics] Uploading icmp aup Ronald Bonica