[TLS] Weak Diffie-Hellman Primes (was: DH generator 2 problem?)
Michael D'Errico <mike-list@pobox.com> Mon, 12 October 2020 16:50 UTC
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Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2020 12:49:39 -0400
From: Michael D'Errico <mike-list@pobox.com>
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Subject: [TLS] Weak Diffie-Hellman Primes (was: DH generator 2 problem?)
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On Fri, Oct 9, 2020, at 11:17, Christopher Wood wrote: > Michael, since your question is more related to the cryptographic > primitives used by TLS than the protocol itself, the chairs encourage > you to continue this discussion on the CFRG mailing list [2]. > > Thanks, > Chris, on behalf of the chairs > > [1] ... > [2] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/cfrg/ Hi, As requested, I sent the message below to the CFRG mailing list on the 10th. I did not join the list, but have been watching via the link [2] above and so far nobody has said anything. Mike ------------------------------------------------------------ To: cfrg at irtf dot org Hi, I'm not a member of this list, but was encouraged to start a discussion here about a discovery I made w.r.t. the published Diffie-Hellman prime numbers in RFC's 2409, 3526, and 7919. These primes all have a very interesting property where you get 64 or more bits (the least significant bits of 2^X mod P for some secret X and prime P) detailing how the modulo operation was done. These 64 bits probably reduce the security of Diffie-Hellman key exchanges though I have not tried to figure out how. The number 2^X is going to be a single bit with value 1 followed by a lot of zeros. All of the primes in the above mentioned RFC's have 64 bits of 1 in the most and least significant positions. The 2's complement of these primes will have a one in the least significant bit and at least 63 zeros to the left. When you think about how a modulo operation is done manually, you compare a shifted version of P against the current value of the operand (which is initially 2^X) and if it's larger than the (shifted) P, you subtract P at that position and shift P to the right, or if the operand is smaller than (the shifted) P, you just shift P to the right without subtracting. Instead of subtracting, you can add the 2's complement I mentioned above. Because of the fact that there are 63 zeros followed by a 1 in the lowest position, you will see a record of when the modulo operation performed a subtraction (there's a one) and when it didn't (there's a zero). You can use the value of the result you were given by your peer (which is 2^X mod P) and then add back the various 2^j * P's detailed wherever the lowest 64 bits had a value of 1 to find the state of the mod P operation when it wasn't yet finished. This intermediate result is likely going to make it easier to determine X than just a brute force search. I don't plan to join this list, though I am flattered to have been asked to do so. I'm not a cryptographer. Mike
- [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Salz, Rich
- Re: [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
- Re: [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Watson Ladd
- Re: [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Christopher Wood
- Re: [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Dan Brown
- Re: [TLS] DH generator 2 problem? Michael D'Errico
- [TLS] Weak Diffie-Hellman Primes (was: DH generat… Michael D'Errico