Re: [TLS] Industry Concerns about TLS 1.3

"Ackermann, Michael" <> Fri, 23 September 2016 16:49 UTC

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From: "Ackermann, Michael" <>
To: Watson Ladd <>
Thread-Topic: [TLS] Industry Concerns about TLS 1.3
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 16:49:05 +0000
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Subject: Re: [TLS] Industry Concerns about TLS 1.3
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Without re stating the original message from the bank coalition,  which states this better than I could,   the client and MITM solutions are not practical in many situations.    Also they do not provide the scope, depth or detail that is utilized with today's solutions.   

-----Original Message-----
From: Watson Ladd [] 
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 11:44 AM
To: Ackermann, Michael <>
Subject: Re: [TLS] Industry Concerns about TLS 1.3

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 8:31 AM, Ackermann, Michael <> wrote:
>  I am not sure I understand what your reply means?
> Is it that we should create or even allow an environment to develop,  where all providers of service cannot  provide effective diagnostics and support?   And then see the constituents of these industries collapse together.     And only then realize we have an issue?
> I hope I am  not understanding correctly.     IETF is supposed to be looking ahead to provide better answers and circumvent predictable problems.    Not ignoring,  waiting and then reacting to negative situations that can and should be avoided.

What exactly is the problem you are concerned with? As I've pointed out previously one can still log the contents of TLS protected
connections: you do this at the client, or with an intercepting proxy.
What information does this not get you that you need on the network?

> What I am saying,  in relation to your "Delivering a stable product"  comment is that over time various industries have learned what it takes to "Deliver a stable product".    We did not want to invest millions in these debugging networks.   But  we learned the hard way,  that it was necessary.
> I am not a member of the banking coalition that started this subject,  nor of the banking industry at all,  but I certainly understand their perspective and am concerned about  the same unmanageable future they described.

Do  Akami, Cloudlflare and Google magically not have these problems?
> Thanks
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeffrey Walton []
> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 10:55 AM
> To: Ackermann, Michael <>
> Cc: BITS Security <>;
> Subject: Re: [TLS] Industry Concerns about TLS 1.3
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 10:46 AM, Ackermann, Michael <> wrote:
>> From the perspective an Enterprise that runs these applications and has invested HEAVILY in the debugging networks.........
>> The reason we are debugging these networks is so that "The 5-6 order of magnitude of folks using them"  will have good service.   If they do not,  they will consider competitors and/or generate a litany service calls or complaints.        I.E.     When these "Folks"  are slow or not working they are just as unhappy as we are.
> Isn't that the market operating as expected? Those who deliver a stable product at a competitive price are rewarded, while those who fail to deliver or deliver at an unreasonable cost are not? (Some hand waiving).
> If all providers failed to deliver or delivered an inferior product, then it might indicate a major course correction is needed. But I don't think that's the case here.
> Jeff
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>  Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network of Michigan are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
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